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Author Title Year Price
A Sermon preached to the Gentlemen of Yorkshire, at Bow-Church in London, the 24th of June, 1684. Being the Day of their Yearly Feast.
1684 £65.00
Sermons, Preached in the Tron Church, Glasgow.
1819 £75.00
Divi Petri Chrysologi Archiepiscopi Ravennatis viri ervsitissmi atqve sanctissimi, insigne et pervetvstvm Opvs Homiliarvm nvnc primvm in lvcem editvm.
1575 £245.00
Form of Church Government: Containing, 1. The Constitution of a Church. 11. The Officers of a Church. 111. The Ordinances, Rules, and Orders of the Church. 1V. A Church Covenant.
1786 £150.00
A Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester, containing precautions respecting the Roman Catholics, by Beilby, Lord Bishop of that diocese. 1781.
1782 £45.00
De Vita et Moribus sacerdotum opusculum singularem eorum dignitatem oftendens, & quibus ornata esse debeant virtutibus, authore Iudoco Clichthoueo theologo Parisiensi. Item Sacri canonis missæ parphrastica explicatio per Michaelem suffraganeum Moguntinum. Ionnes Rokziana de septem sacramentis de non scriptis traditionibus.
1550 £595.00
DAUBENY (Charles)
A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London : On Thursday, June 1, 1809. Being the tome of the Yearly Meeting of the Children educated in the Charity-Schools, in and about thye Cities of London and Westminster. By the reverend Charles Daubeny, L.L. B. Archdeacon of Sarum. Published at the Request of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and the Trustees of the several Schools.
1809 £40.00
DAVIS (Joseph)
A Digest of Legislative Enactments, relating to the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in England; with occasional Observations.
1820 £32.00
Catalogue of the Residue of the Valuable Library of a Dignitary of the Church of England, Deceased... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co., on Thursday, April 17th...
1850 £45.00
The Evidences of Christianity Briefly Stated; and the New Testament proved to be Genuine. In Three Discourses.
1794 £50.00
DREW (Samuel)
An Essay on the Identity and General Resurrection of the Human Body; in which the Evidences in favour of these Important Subjects are considered in Relation both to Philosophy and Scripture.
1811 £35.00
Think on these things.
1805 £30.00
The Dispersion of Knowledge: a Sermon, preached at Salisbury, before the Annual District Meeting of the Methodist Itinerant Preachers, of the Portsmouth District, July 7, 1813. Published at the Unanimous Request of the Meeting.
1813 £75.00
England's Alarum Bell, Rung to awaken the Christian from Sin, and to beware of God's Judgment.
1800 £38.00
The female preacher: or, The woman of Samaria's sermon to the men of the city, John iv. 29. Or, The self humbling and Christ-exalting influence of divine discoveries. : Opened in a sermon preached July 13, 1729, immediately after the celebration of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at Dumfermline [sic]. / By Ralph Erskine Minister of the Gospel at Dumfermline [sic]..
1735 £165.00
EYS (W.J. van)
Bibliographie des Bibles et des Nouveaux Testaments en Langue Française des XVme et XVIme Siècles.
1973 £40.00
The Day After the Fair. No. 110. Sunday School Tracts. (Adapted for part of a Kitchen and Cottage Library.)
1830 £25.00
The Doctrines of Grace and Justice equally essential to the pure Gospel: with some remarks on the mischievous divisions caused amongst Christians by parting from those Doctrines. Being an Introduction to a Plan of Reconciliation between the Defenders of the Doctrines of partial Grace, commonly called Calvinists; and the Defenders of the Doctrines of impartial Justice called Arminians.
1777 £95.00
Logica Genevensis: or, a fourth check to Antinomianism; in which St. James's pure Religion is defended against the Charges, and established upon the Concessions, of Mr. Richard and Mr. Rowland Hill. In a Series of Letters to those Gentlemen.
1795 £45.00
A Vindication of the Rev. Mr. Wesley's Last Minutes: occasioned by a circular, printed Letter, inviting principal Persons, both Clergy and Laity, as well of the Dissenters as of the established Church, who disapprove of those Minutes, to oppose them in a Body, as a dreadful Heresy: and designed To remove Prejudice, check Rashness, promote Forbearance, defend the Character of an eminent Minister of Christ, and prevent some important scriptural Truths from being hastily branded as heretical. In Five Letters, to the Hon. and Rev. Author of the Circular Letter. By a Lover of Quietness and Liberty of Conscience.
1771 £65.00
The Gift of God, A Sermon, Preached by the Rev. J. Fletcher, Vicar of Ludlow, Shropshire.
1790 £38.00
FOWLER (Edward)
A Sermon Preached at Bow-Church, April the Xvith 1690: before the Lord Maior, and Court of Aldermen, and citizens of London. Being the fast-day·
1690 £45.00
GAM (David)
Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Honourable William Pitt, or an Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of his Conduct in Respect to different Departments, Bodies, and Public Individuals of the State. In a Letter to the Right. Hon. the Earl of Suffolk, in Consequence of his Lordship's Motion in Parliament, and Conferences with His Majesty, for the Removal of Ministers.
1797 £60.00
The Confessions of an Arian Minister; containing a Narrative of his Conversion, and exhibiting his present views of the principal Doctrines of the Gospel, in a Letter to his Son.
1817 £35.00
GIBSON (Edmund, Bishop of London)
The Evil and Danger of Lukewarmness in Religion. Being The First Part of the Bishop of London's late Pastoral Letter: With further Improvements.
1740 £45.00

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