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Book Details

CHURCH GOVERNMENT.. Form of Church Government: Containing, 1. The Constitution of a Church. 11. The Officers of a Church. 111. The Ordinances, Rules, and Orders of the Church. 1V. A Church Covenant.1786

N.P., [London?], Printed in the Year First Edition, shaved close on upper margins with the loss or partial loss of some page numerals, and on one page the partial loss of 4 words, 16pp., modern marbled wrappers. The qualifications for being a Bishop include "He must be blameless, the Husband of one Wife, vigilant, sober, of good Behaviour, given to Hospitality, apt to teach: not given to Wine, no Striker, nor greedy of filthy Lucre, but patient; not a Brawler, nor covetous;......", and a Deacon ".... must be grave, not double-tongued, not given to Wine, not greedy of filthy Lucre; holding the Mystery of the Faith in pure Conscience: the Husband of one Wife, ruling his Children and his House well: his Wife must be also grave, not a Slanderer; sober and faithful in all Things." Congregational Library copy only on ESTC.

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