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Book Details

CHRYSOLOGUS (Petrus). Divi Petri Chrysologi Archiepiscopi Ravennatis viri ervsitissmi atqve sanctissimi, insigne et pervetvstvm Opvs Homiliarvm nvnc primvm in lvcem editvm.1575

Parisiis, Apud Hieronymum de Marnef, & Gulielmum Cauellat [eccud. Carolus Rogerius] Pelicano monte D. Hilarij, 8vo, 438, [10]pp., printer's device on title and verso of final leaf, title-page a little dusty with early manuscript ownership names partial deleted and dated 1612, occasional light staining in the text, contemporary limp vellum, early manuscript fragment used in the stitching of the binding, soiled, traces of leather ties. Peter was born in Imola, where he was ordained a deacon by Cornelius, Bishop of Imola. He was made an archdeacon through the influence of Emperor Valentinian III. Pope Sixtus III appointed Peter to the See of Ravenna in about the year 433, apparently rejecting the candidate elected by the people of the city. He was a counsellor of Pope Leo I. Eutyches appealed to Peter to intervene with the pope on his behalf after he was denounced at a synod held in Constantinople in 448. Known as "The Doctor of Homilies," Peter was known for his short but inspired talks; he is said to have been afraid of boring his audience. After hearing his first homily as bishop, Empress Galla Placidia is said to have given him the surname "Chrysologus," by which he is known. Galla Placidia was to become the patroness of many of Peter's projects. Peter spoke against the Arian and Monophysite teachings, condemning them as heresies, and explained topics such as the Apostles' Creed, John the Baptist, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the mystery of the Incarnation, in simple and clear language. Peter advocated daily reception of Holy Communion. He urged his listeners to have confidence to the forgiveness offered through Christ. Adams, C1500.

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