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Author Title Year Price
GILLETT (Charles Ripley) Compiler.
Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology.
1927 £160.00
GILLETT (Charles Ripley) Compiler.
Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology.
1927 £150.00
GINGLE (Jacob), pseud.
The Oxford Sermon versified. By Jacob Gingle, Esq;
1729 £85.00
HALL (Robert)
A Friendly Address, to the Methodists.
1796 £295.00
The Trial of the Two Opinions Tried: wherein the false reasonings of Mr. Johnson and his Friend, are detected, exposed and refuted, in Vindication of the Divine Decree relative to the Sin and Misery of Mankind.
1767 £65.00
HICKMAN (Charles)
A sermon preached before the right honourable George Earl of Berkeley, Governour, and the Company of Merchants of England trading into the Levant Seas. At St. Peters Church in Broadstreet. January 25. 1680. By Charles Hickman, A.M. student of Christ-Church in Oxon, and chaplain to his excellency the Lord Chandois, embassadour to Constantinople.
1681 £65.00
HOADLY (Benjamin)
Some Considerations Humbly offered to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Exeter. Occasioned by his Lordship's Sermon preached before Her Majesty, March 8. 1708.
1709 £40.00
HOADLY (Benjamin)
St. Paul's Behaviour towards the Civil Magistrate: a sermon preach'd at the assizes at Hertford, July the 26th, 1708. By Benjamin Hoadly, M. A. Rector of St. Peter's Poor. Publish'd at the Request of the High-Sheriff, and Grand-Jury.
1708 £30.00
HOOKER (Richard)
The Works of Mr. Richard Hooker, (That Learned and Judicious Divine) in Eight Books of Ecclesiastical Polity, Compleated out of his own Manuscripts; Never before Published. With an account of his Life and Death.
1666 £395.00
The Crucified Saviour: or, a Preparation to a Worthy Receiving the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's-Supper, in Meditations and Prayers for Morning and Evening for every Day in the Week. As also, Meditations and Prayers, Before, at, and After receiving the Blessed Sacrament; with Rules and Directions how to Live well after it.
1710 £125.00
HOWELL (William)
The Full Assurance of Hope, Urged from the Words of the Apostle.
1807 £25.00
Select Hymns, Suitable for Private Families, or, Prayer Meetings...
1800 £45.00
Remarks on Dr. Middleton's Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church from the earliest ages. In which is shewn, that there is sufficient reason to believe, that miraculous powers continued in the church after the days of the apostles.
1749 £45.00
JERVIS (Thomas)
Unanimity and Energy in the present Crisis. A Discourse delivered in the Dissenting Chapel at Lympston, Devon, on Wednesday, Oct. X1X. MDCCC111. Being the day appointed for a general fast.
1803 £40.00
JONES (Rev. Mr.)
A Sermon against the Unprofitable Sin of Profane Swearing, By the Rev. Mr. Jones. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain. Let your Communications be Yea, Yea, Nay, Nay.
1780 £110.00
LAW (William)
An Appeal to all that Doubt, or Disbelieve the Truths of the Gospel, whether they be Deists, Arians, Socinians, or Normal Christians. In which the true Grounds and Reasons of the whole Christian Faith and Life are plainly and fully demonstrated. To which are added, Some Animadversions upon Dr. Trap's Late Reply.
1756 £75.00
LAW (William)
A Collection of Letters on the Most Interesting and Important Subjects, and on Several Occasions.
1760 £45.00
LAW (William)
A Collection of Letters on the Most Interesting and Important Subjects, and on Several Occasions.
1760 £50.00
LAW (William)
A Short but Sufficient Confutation of the Reverend Dr Warburton's projected Defence (As he calls it) of Christianity, in his Divine Legation of Moses. In a Letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London.
1757 £45.00
LEVEEN (Jacob)
The Hebrew Bible in Art. The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1939.
1944 £45.00
LEWIS (George)
Drych ysgrythyrol neu Gorph o ddifinyddiaeth. Yn cynnwys Eglurhad a Phrawf o amrywiol ganghennau yr athrawiaeth nsydd yn ol Duwiolded. Yn Chwech Rhan.
1797 £110.00
LYNDE (Sir Humphrey)
Via Devia; The By-Way: Misleading the Weak and Unstable into dangerous Paths of Error, by colourable Shewes of Apocryphal Scriptures, unwritten Traditions, doubtful Fathers, ambiguous Councells, and pretended Catholike Church.
1630 £395.00
MARTIN (Thomas)
The Nature and Improvement of the Christian Ministry: a Sermon preached in the Methodist Chapel, Bath, June 30, 1812, before the Preachers of the Bristol District. Published by Request.
1812 £65.00
The true Causes of the Contempt of Christian Ministers. A Sermon Oreach'd before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's Church, on November 30, 1718. With a Preface in Vindication of it, against the Censure passed uopn it in the University.
1719 £25.00
Minutes of Conversations between Preachers and Delegates, late in Connexion with The Rev. Mr. Wesley, held in Nottingham, on the 14th &c. of May, 1799.
1799 £125.00

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