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Book Details

FLETCHER (John). A Vindication of the Rev. Mr. Wesley's Last Minutes: occasioned by a circular, printed Letter, inviting principal Persons, both Clergy and Laity, as well of the Dissenters as of the established Church, who disapprove of those Minutes, to oppose them in a Body, as a dreadful Heresy: and designed To remove Prejudice, check Rashness, promote Forbearance, defend the Character of an eminent Minister of Christ, and prevent some important scriptural Truths from being hastily branded as heretical. In Five Letters, to the Hon. and Rev. Author of the Circular Letter. By a Lover of Quietness and Liberty of Conscience.1771

Bristol: Printed by W. Pine, in Wine-street, First edition, 12mo, name in ink on title, advertisement/errata leaf misbound after title, 98, [2] pp., a few spots and stains at intervals, mostly confined to the inner blank margins, disbound. Signed at end "J. F[letcher]. July 29, 1771", but sponsored and edited by Wesley. Baker, 278B.

Stock #33149

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