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Book Details

FLETCHER (John). The Doctrines of Grace and Justice equally essential to the pure Gospel: with some remarks on the mischievous divisions caused amongst Christians by parting from those Doctrines. Being an Introduction to a Plan of Reconciliation between the Defenders of the Doctrines of partial Grace, commonly called Calvinists; and the Defenders of the Doctrines of impartial Justice called Arminians.1777

London: Printed by R. Hawes, and sold at the Foundry, and at Rev. Mr. Wesley's Preaching-Houses in Town and Country, First Edition, 12mo, title slightly soiled, errata on final page, [2], 39, [1] pp., disbound. Includes 'The Reconciliation: or, an easy Method to unite the professing people of God,' which itself incorporates 'Bible-Arminianism & Bible-Calvinism'.

Stock #33151

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