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Author Title Year Price
[CROY (Robert)]
A Narrative of the Grand Festival, at Yarmouth, on Tuesday, the 19th of April, 1814; with an Appendix, Containing Copies of all the Handbills which were Published on the Occasion; a List of the Subscribers; and an Account of the Expenditure.
1814 £495.00
[GIBSON (Dr. Edmund) Bishop of London.]
The Case of the Methodists Briefly Stated; More particularly in the Point of Field-Preaching.
1744 £695.00
Some Thoughts of the Manner of Spending the Passion Week. Addressed to the Fashionable World; but Particularly to the Polite Circles in the Gay City of Bath. London: Printed for F. and C. Rivington, 1795. 45, [1]pp. [Bound with:] MORE (Hannah) An Estimate of the Religion of the Fashionable World.
1795 £110.00
The Court and Country Confectioner: or, the House-Keeper's Guide; To a more speedy, plain, and familiar method of understanding the whole art of confectionary, pastry, distilling, and the making of fine flavoured English wines from all kinds of fruits, herbs, and flowers; comprehending near five hundred easy and practical receipts, never before made known. Particularly, Preserving. Candying. Icing. Transparent Marmalade. Orange. Pine-Apple. Pistachio, and other Rich Creams. Caramel. Pastils. Bomboons. Syrups. Puff, Spun, and Fruit-Pastes. Light-Biscuits. Puffs. Rich Seed-Cakes. Custards. Syllabubs. Flummeries. Trifles, Whips, Fruits, and other Jellies. - Pickles, &c. Also New and easy directions for clarifying the different degrees of sugar, together with several bills of fare of deserts for private gentlemen's families, A new edition. To which is added, a dissertation on the different species of fruits, and the art of distilling simple waters, cordials, persumed oils, and essences. By Mr. Borella, now head confectioner to the Spanish Ambassador in England.
1772 £1495.00
[A] Dissertation on the Use and Abuse of Tobacco. Wherein The Advantages and Disadvantages attending the consumption of that entertaining weed, are particularly considered. humbly addressed, to all the tobacco-consumers in Great-Britain and Ireland, but especially to those among religious people.
1797 £295.00
COSTINE (D. Dunlop)
Has the Present System of the Administration of the Poor Laws Increased or Decreased Pauperism? A Paper Read at the Annual Conference of Poor Law Guardians of the Lancashire and Cheshire Unions, at Manchester, October 6, 1876.
1876 £35.00
Hints on Agricultural Subjects and on the Best Means of Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes.
1809 £175.00
The Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities; containing that part which relates to the County of Devon.
1826 £120.00
The Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities; containing that part which relates to the County of Devon. [and] The Appendix to the Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities of the County of Devon.
1826 £225.00
ELLIS (William)
The Modern Husbandman: or, the Practice of Farming: As it is now carried on by the most Accurate Farmers in several Counties of England.
1744 £750.00
ELLIS (William)
The Modern Husbandman: or, the Practice of Farming: As it is now carried on by the most Accurate Farmers in several Counties of England.
1744 £950.00
ELLIS (William)
The Modern Husbandman: or, the Practice of Farming: As it is now carried on by the most Accurate Farmers in several Counties of England.
1744 £395.00
FLINDALL (J[ohn] M[orris])
The Complete Family Assistant; including economical hints on the use of provisions, fuel, &c., interesting observations and moral essays the most useful receipts, prescriptions and tables ; and approved methods for the preservation or restoration of health. A list of the London schools and charities ; an abstract of the laws relating to landlords, tenants, and pawnbrokers ; advice to tradesmen & farmers ; and every variety of information calculated to benefit the condition of the poor ; or connected with domestic economy.
1813 £95.00
GOES (Willem) Editor.
Rei Agrariae. Auctores legesque variae. Quaedam nun primum, caetera emendatiora prodeunt cura Wilelmi Goesii, cuius accedunt Indices, Antiquitates agrariae & Notae: una cum Nicolai Rigaltii Notis & Observationibus, nec non Glossario ejusdem.
1674 £545.00
HIPPISLEY (Sir John Coxe)
Prison Labour, etc.: Correspondence and Communications addressed to His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, concerning the Introduction of Tread-Mills into Prisons, with other matters connected with the subject of Prison Discipline.
1823 £295.00
Selections from the Communications Received by the Ladies Committee. No. II. Published by Direction of the Ladies Committee.
1806 £195.00
LANGFORD (John Alfred)
A Century of Birmingham Life: or, A Chronicle of Local Events, from 1741 to 1841.
1868 £45.00
LATUDE (Henry Masers de)
Memoirs of Henry Masers de Latude, who was confined during thirty-five years, in the different state prisons of France. Arranged from the original documents, by Monsieur Thierry, advocate, and member of several academies. Published in France in 1790, and now first translated into English, by John William Calcraft.
1834 £95.00
Thomas Hobbes: A Bibliography.
1952 £20.00
Thomas Hobbes: A Bibliography.
1952 £20.00
MACFIE (Matthew)
The Impending Contact of the Aryan & Turnian Races, with special reference to recent Chinese migrations. A lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, on Sunday afternoon, 10th February, 1878, by Matthew Macfie.
1878 £35.00
Socialism v. Individualism... [Bound with:] Speech of Mr. Allen Upward.
1890 £120.00
A Specimen of Brass Card Borders, on an Entire New Principle, by C. & A. Paas, Engravers to their Majesties.
1965 £125.00
The Treatment of Inebriety in the Higher and Educated Classes. Read before the Society for the Study of Inebriety, January 1st, 1889.
1889 £38.00
The Philosophy of Domestic Economy; as exemplified in the mode of warming, ventilating, washing, drying, & cooking, and in various arrangements contributing to the comfort and convenience of domestic life, adopted in the Derbyshire General Infirmary, and more recently, on a greatly extended scale, in several other public buildings newly erected in this country; Together with an explanation of the principles on which they are performed. The whole illustrated by illustrated by numerous engravings by W. Lowry.
1819 £745.00