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Book Details

[GIBSON (Dr. Edmund) Bishop of London.]. The Case of the Methodists Briefly Stated; More particularly in the Point of Field-Preaching.1744

[London: Printed for Edward Owen, Folio, (310 x 190mm), 4pp., caption title, typographical ornament headpiece, cont. MS note in ink "By W. Rackstrow", disbound. By 1744 the Methodist Societies had become so successful that Dr. Edmund, the Bishop of London, resorted to anonymous attacks aimed at Whitefield and his supporters. Here he endeavours to prove that field-preaching violates the provisions of the Toleration Art, and because of the size of his congregations, Whitefield's preaching in the open air was a serious danger to the state. Rare. ESTC & OCLC locates 2 copies in the British Isles (BL & NLS) and 3 in North America (Duke, Newberry & Chicago).

Stock #30517

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