Book Details
BORELLA (Mr.). The Court and Country Confectioner: or, the House-Keeper's Guide; To a more speedy, plain, and familiar method of understanding the whole art of confectionary, pastry, distilling, and the making of fine flavoured English wines from all kinds of fruits, herbs, and flowers; comprehending near five hundred easy and practical receipts, never before made known. Particularly, Preserving. Candying. Icing. Transparent Marmalade. Orange. Pine-Apple. Pistachio, and other Rich Creams. Caramel. Pastils. Bomboons. Syrups. Puff, Spun, and Fruit-Pastes. Light-Biscuits. Puffs. Rich Seed-Cakes. Custards. Syllabubs. Flummeries. Trifles, Whips, Fruits, and other Jellies. - Pickles, &c. Also New and easy directions for clarifying the different degrees of sugar, together with several bills of fare of deserts for private gentlemen's families, A new edition. To which is added, a dissertation on the different species of fruits, and the art of distilling simple waters, cordials, persumed oils, and essences. By Mr. Borella, now head confectioner to the Spanish Ambassador in England.1772
London: Printed for G. Riley, at his Circulating Library, Curson-Street, May-Fair; J. Bell, in the Strand; J. Wheble, Pater noster-row; and C. Etherington, at York, New edition, [2], ii, 3, [1], xxiii, [1], 271, [1], 46pp., 'On distilling in general' has separate pagination, handsomely bound in half calf by Trevor Lloyd of Ludlow, marbled boards, five raised bands to spine with red morocco title label and tooled in gilt, a very nice copy. It was not until the publication of this new edition that the "Ingenious Foreigner", responsible for the 1770 and 1771 editions, revealed himself as "Mr. Borella, now head confectioner to the Spanish Ambassador in England." All three edition are rare with ESTC recording 7 copies of the first 1770 edition, 1 of the second edition of 1771, and 8 copies of this new and last edition. Maclean, pp. 10-11; Oxford, p. 102; Bitting, p. 49-50; Simon, 227; Cagle, 572.
Stock #35323