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Book Details

SOCIALISM.. Socialism v. Individualism... [Bound with:] Speech of Mr. Allen Upward.1890

 2 works bound in one, 8vo (175 x 120 mm), recent cloth. 1. Socialism v. individualism : public debate in the Mechanics' Hall, Nottingham..., 1890, between Mrs Annie Besant of the Fabian society, and Mr. Frederick Millar of the Liberty and Property Defence League, etc. Nottingham: Published by C. J. Welton, 1890. First edition, 32pp. 2. Newark Division Liberal Association. Speech of Mr. Allen Upward (Prospective Liberal Candidate), in Newark Corn Exchange, on Thursday, Mar. 16th, 1905. Re-printed from "The Newark Herald." Newark: J. Stennett, [1905]. First edition, 20pp. Not listed on Copac.

Stock #35723

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