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Book Details

LADIES COMMITTEE.. Selections from the Communications Received by the Ladies Committee. No. II. Published by Direction of the Ladies Committee.1806

London: Printed for the Society, by W. Bulmer and Co.... 8vo, iv, 88pp., part II only, dibound. The second part of this extremely rare report from the Female Friendly Society. Contents include: Account of a Female Friendly Society at Leeds; Rules, orders, and regulations of the Blackheath Friendly Society for Women; Rules to be observed... for the encouragement of Industry and Frugality in the Female Poor, residing within the Parish of Godalming; Society of Lincoln for the relief of poor married women during lying-in, and for the employment of their children in common needle-work; Plan of a lying-in charity... for the benefit of the wives of the soldiers belonging to the three Regiments of Foot Guards; Lying-in charity at Kendal; Rules of the Exeter Lying-in charity...; Account of schools at Ely... by Miss Metcalfe; Mrs. Hill's account of the Shakespeare Walk Female School; Account of an institution, consisting of three schools set on foot and supported by ladies, in the country village eighty miles distant from London.

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