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Book Details

CURWEN (J. C.). Hints on Agricultural Subjects and on the Best Means of Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes.1809

London: Printed for J. Johnson, Second edition, improved and enlarged, 8vo (225 x 145 mm), xxiv, 385, [1, errata], 2 [reference to engravings and direction to binder]pp., acquatint frontispiece (lightly offset onto title page), 4 engraved plates (spotted), 4 folding tables, cont. boards, joints worn spine a little chipped, uncut. John Christian Curwen (1756-1828) was a well known agricultural reformer and founder of the Workington Agricultural Society which had a branch on the Isle of Man and had a major influence on the development of agriculture both in Cumberland and on the Island. Goldsmiths'-Kress, no. 19786; Rothamsted, p. 43; Perkins, 441.

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