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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
[?WARNER (I.)]
An Address to the University of Oxford, occasioned by a Sermon, intitled, The Divine Institution of the Ministry, and the absolute necessity of Church-Government; preached before that University by the Reverend Mr. Joseph Betty, on the 21st of September 1729. By I. W. L.
1730 £32.00
[BASSET (Joshua)]
An Essay towards a Proposal for Catholick Communion. Wherein Sixty of the Principal Controverted Points, which have hitherto divided Christendom, being call'd over, 'tis examin'd, how many of them may, and ought to be laid aside, and how few remain to be accommodated, for the effecting a General Peace. By a Minister of the Church of England.
1704 £100.00
[BLACKALL (Offspring)]
The Lord Bishop of Exeter's Answer to Mr. Hoadly's Letter.
1709 £50.00
[BROWNE (Peter)]
The Procedure, Extent, and Limits of Human Understanding.
1729 £245.00
[DEFOE (Daniel)]
A Lay-Man's Creed, very short for the Benefit of the Poor Reader.
1713 £50.00
[DUNTON (John)]
The Hazard of a Death-Bed-Repentance, Fairly Argued, from the late Remorse of W---- late D--- of D----- with Serious Reflections on his Adulterous Life ---- On his living so long in a known Sin----- On that Latin Epitaph he order'd to be set on the Tomb-stone of Miss Campion.... Also, the Dying Remonstrance of other Persons of Quality, and in particular, of John Hampton Esq;..... To which is added, Conjugal Perjury, or an Essay upon Whoredom; Address'd to the Husbands of Quality that keep Misses.
1708 £150.00
[GIBSON (Dr. Edmund) Bishop of London.]
The Case of the Methodists Briefly Stated; More particularly in the Point of Field-Preaching.
1744 £695.00
[GIBSON (Edmund, Bishop of London)]
An admonition against common swearing: In a letter from a minister to his parishioner.
1725 £45.00
[GIBSON (Edmund)]
The Right of the Archbishop to continue or prorogue the Whole Convocation: Asserted in a Second Letter; by way of Reply to a Pamphlet, Entitled, The Power of the Lower House of Convocation to Adjourn it self, &c. and also to a late Book, Entitled, A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Lower-House, &c. with the Publisher's Preface: as far as they relate to the Point of Continuation.
1701 £95.00
[GORDON (Thomas)]
An Apology for the Danger of the Church. Proving, that the Church is, and ought to be always in Danger; and that it would be dangerous for her to be out of Danger. Being a Second Part of the Apology for Parson Alberoni. By the same Author.
1719 £45.00
[HEYWOOD (Samuel)]
The Right of Protestant Dissenters to a Compleat Toreration asserted; containing an Historical Account of the Test Laws, and shewing the Injustice, Inexpediency, and Folly of the Sacramental Test, as now imposed, with respect to Protestant Dissenters; With an Answer to the Objection from the Act of Union with Scotland. By a Layman.
1789 £60.00
[HILL (Sir Richard)]
The Church of England Vindicated from the Rigid Notions of Calvinism; Or, Some observations on a letter from the author of Pietas Oxoniensis to the Reverend Doctor Adams of Shewsbury. To which is added, a letter to the Reverend Mr. Romaine, in answer to his letter to Dr. Adams.
1770 £75.00
[HORSLEY (Samuel)]
The Following is the Speech Delivered by the Bishop of St. David's, in the House of Lords, May 31, 1791, on the Second Reading of the Bill for the Relief of Papists, or Persons Professing the Popish Religion.
1791 £65.00
[HOWELL (Thomas Bayly)]
Observations on Dr. Sturges's Pamphlet Respecting Non-Residence of the Clergy: in a Letter to Mr. Baron Maseres.
1802 £38.00
[IRELAND (John)]
Nuptiæ Sacræ; or an Inquiry into the Scriptural Doctrine of Marriage and Divorce. Addressed to the Two Houses of Parliament.
1801 £35.00
[JOHNSON (James)]
Panegyrical Essays upon the Prayer Lord, Pity the People; the only words of William 1. Prince of Orange, The Founder of the Government of the United Provinces, at his sudden and violent Death, 10th July 1584. Transform'd into the Order they are now in, Anno 1714, upon his Majesty's Accession to the Crown.
1716 £50.00
[KENNETT (White)]
Convocation-Craft: or, a brief History of the Intrigues, and Insolence, of English Convocations under the Papacy, till Restrain'd by King Henry V111. With an Account of their Behaviour since, intermix'd with proper Reflections, and Authorities to prove, that when they act beyond their Commission from the Crown, they incur the Danger of a Præmunire.......
1717 £65.00
[LEFEVRE (Mrs. -)]
An Extract of Letters by Mrs. L***.
1769 £95.00
[MASON (G. E.)]
Catalogue of an Important and Valuable Collection of Books, Containing Numerous Rare and Curious Articles Relating to the Discovery, Early History, and Religious and Political Controversies of America and West Indies... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson... on Friday, the 25th of May, 1860. London: J. Davy and Sons, 1860. [2],214pp., the property of G. E. Mason according to a cont. note in ink on title, orig. printed wrappers, 2628 lots. [Bound with:] Catalogue of a Large and Extremely Curious Collection of Theological Books, Consisting of Versions of the Holy Scriptures... being the Third Portion of the Entire and Extensive Collection of Books, Formed by Mr. G. E. Mason, Which will be sold by Auction, by Messrs Puttick and Simpson, on Wednesday, December 12th, 1860.
1860 £85.00
[PARK (James Allan)]
An Earnest Exhortation to a Frequent Reception of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Particularly addressed to young persons by a layman.
1804 £20.00
[PERKINS (William)]
A faithfull and plaine exposition vpon the two first verses of the second chapter of Zephaniah: by that late reuerend preacher of Gods word, Maister Perkins. Containing a povverfull exhortation to repentance: as also the manner how men in repentance are to search themselues. Preached at Sturbridge Faire, in the field; taken from his mouth: and afterwards diligently perused; and now published for the common good. By a preacher of the word. With a preface prefixed, touching the publishing of M. Perkins his Workes. And a catalogue of all such particulars thereof, as are to be expected.
1606 £195.00
[SCOTT (Thomas)]
The substance of a public discussion between Mr. Carlile, and a Dissenting Minister : occasioned by some remarks made by Mr. Carlile, in his lecture on theology, delivered at the Free Mason's Arms, Norwich, April 23rd, 1834.
1834 £25.00
[SHERLOCK (Thomas)]
A Letter from the Lord Bishop of London, to the Clergy and People of London and Westminster; on Occasion of the Late Earthquakes.
1750 £50.00
[SHERLOCK (Thomas)]
A Letter from the Lord Bishop of London, to the Clergy and People of London and Westminster; on Occasion of the Late Earthquakes.
1750 £85.00
[TAYLOR (Jeremy)]
A Dissuasive from Popery. To the People of England and Ireland. Together with II. Additional Letters to Persons changed in their Religion. I. The first written to a Gentlewoman newly seduced to the Church of Rome. II. The second to a Person newly converted to the Church of England. By Jeremy Lord Bishop of Down.
1686 £110.00
