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Book Details

[KENNETT (White)]. Convocation-Craft: or, a brief History of the Intrigues, and Insolence, of English Convocations under the Papacy, till Restrain'd by King Henry V111. With an Account of their Behaviour since, intermix'd with proper Reflections, and Authorities to prove, that when they act beyond their Commission from the Crown, they incur the Danger of a Præmunire.......1717

London: Printed for S. Baker, First Edition, cont. signature of W. Foster (cropped) on upper blank margin of title, Ms. note by W. Foster in a blank margins of two leaves, 90pp., disbound. "Advertisement to Church-wardens" on p. 90. Brief history of the intrigues and insolence, of English Convocations under the papacy, till restrain'd by King Henry VIII.

Stock #30808

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