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Book Details

[DUNTON (John)]. The Hazard of a Death-Bed-Repentance, Fairly Argued, from the late Remorse of W---- late D--- of D----- with Serious Reflections on his Adulterous Life ---- On his living so long in a known Sin----- On that Latin Epitaph he order'd to be set on the Tomb-stone of Miss Campion.... Also, the Dying Remonstrance of other Persons of Quality, and in particular, of John Hampton Esq;..... To which is added, Conjugal Perjury, or an Essay upon Whoredom; Address'd to the Husbands of Quality that keep Misses.1708

London: Printed in the Year, First Edition, vi, 63, [1] pp., title within double-rule border, some spotting of the text, title and last page of advertisements dusty, disbound. "Dunton's successful work..... 'The Hazard of a Death-Bed-Repentance,' [was] a reply to Dr. White Kennet's sermon preached at the funeral of the Duke of Devonshire. As an added attraction, Dunton promised on the title-page an essay called 'Conjugal Perjury, or an Essay on Whoredom'. 'Conjugal Perjury' was one of many essays which Dunton announced on his title-pages but failed to bring into print. Nevertheless, three genuine editions of 'The Hazard' were soon sold,..... later, Dunton offered 'The Hazard....., Further Argued, which included his essay on whoredom,' but not 'the Secret History of the Author's Failing, D----- at Confession', which he promised on the title-page." — Parks, Dunton and the English Book Trade.

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