Antiquarian & Secondhand Booksellers

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Book Details

[MASON (G. E.)]. Catalogue of an Important and Valuable Collection of Books, Containing Numerous Rare and Curious Articles Relating to the Discovery, Early History, and Religious and Political Controversies of America and West Indies... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson... on Friday, the 25th of May, 1860. London: J. Davy and Sons, 1860. [2],214pp., the property of G. E. Mason according to a cont. note in ink on title, orig. printed wrappers, 2628 lots. [Bound with:] Catalogue of a Large and Extremely Curious Collection of Theological Books, Consisting of Versions of the Holy Scriptures... being the Third Portion of the Entire and Extensive Collection of Books, Formed by Mr. G. E. Mason, Which will be sold by Auction, by Messrs Puttick and Simpson, on Wednesday, December 12th, 1860.1860

London, [ii],89,[1]pp., orig. printed wrappers, 1461 lots. Bound with 1 other Puttick & Simpson catalogue which appears to be imperfect, 3 works in one, cont. half vellum over marbled boards.

Stock #28218

£85.00 order » / enquire »

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