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Book Details

[GIBSON (Edmund)]. The Right of the Archbishop to continue or prorogue the Whole Convocation: Asserted in a Second Letter; by way of Reply to a Pamphlet, Entitled, The Power of the Lower House of Convocation to Adjourn it self, &c. and also to a late Book, Entitled, A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Lower-House, &c. with the Publisher's Preface: as far as they relate to the Point of Continuation.1701

London: Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, First Edition, 4to, [8], 97, 100-139, [1] pp., From the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps at Middle Hill, original Middle Hill boards with the ink press-mark on inside front board, lacks part of back-strip, uncut. The text is continuous in spite of the irregular pagination.

Stock #34243

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