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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
Curiosities of Nature and Art in Husbandry and Gardening. Containing several new experiments in the Improvement of Land, Trees, Fruits, &c. And also nice and useful Observations relating to the Vegetation and Propagation of Plants; with choice Secrets to make Plants, Flowers and Fruits larger, more beautiful, and to ripen earlier than usual. With several copper cuts.
1707 £275.00
A Catalogue of Fruit and Forest Trees, Flowering, American, and Evergreen Shrubs, Herbaceous Plants, Bulbous Flower Roots, &c. Also Garden, Flower, Tree, Shrubs, and Agricultural Seeds, Garden Utensils, &c. Sold by Dicksons & Co. Nursery, Seedmen, and Florists, Waterloo-Place, Edinburgh.
1827 £950.00
FOSTER (Charles)
The Tennessee Farmer and Horticulturist. Edited and Illustrated by Charles Foster. Vol. I, No. 2.
1846 £45.00
A Descriptive Catalogue of Upwards of Eleven Hundred Species and Varieties of Herbaceous or Perennial Plants; divided into six columns; Exhibiting at one View, The names, Magnitude, Soil and situation, time of flowering, colour of the Flowers, And Native Country of each Species. To which is added, a list of handy ferns for the decoration of northern borders, and the most ornamental annuals. By John Græfer, Botanic Gardener to the King of Naples.
1794 £750.00
HENREY (Blanche)
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before 1800. Comprising a History and Bibliography of Botanical and Horticultural Books Printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland from the Earliest Times until 1800.
1975 £95.00
HENREY (Blanche)
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before 1800. Comprising a History and Bibliography of Botanical and Horticultural Books Printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland from the Earliest Times until 1800.
1975 £85.00
HEWETT (Mary Crane) Compiler.
Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.
1918 £45.00
4 Items relating to the Horticultural Society of London. 1. Circular to Nurserymen, etc. Connected with the Horticultural Society of London. [Beginning] Sir, The Garden Committee has deemed it expedient to adopt certain Regulations respecting the distribution of plants, &c. from the Garden of the Society... [etc.] 2. [Request for subscription] Sir, The Council of the Horticultural Society has directed that the enclosed Statement of the plan and objects of a New Garden should be transmitted for your information... [etc.] 3. State of the accounts of the Horticultural Society of London, for the years ending May 1, 1821, and May 1, 1822. 4. A.L.s dated June 22, 1822, from the secretary Joseph Sabine to a Mr. Thomas Gibbs, thanking him for plants and giving very brief observations on them.
1822 £175.00
KEYNES (Geoffrey)
John Ray: A Bibliography.
1951 £30.00
KNOOP (Johann Hermann)
Pomologia dat is Beschryvingen en Afbeeldingen van de Beste Zoorten van Appels en Peeren, Welke in Neder en Hoog-Duitsland, Frankryk, Engelland... [Bound with:] Fruchtologia of Beschryving der Vrugtbomen en Vrugten... [Bound with:] Dendrologia of Beschryving der Plantagie-gewassen...
1758 £2500.00
LOUDON ((John Claudius)
Encyclopaedia of Gardening; Comprising The Theory and Practice of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, and Lanscape-Gardening, Including All the Latest Improvements; A General History of Gardening in All Countries; and a Statistical View of its present state.
1835 £45.00
LOUDON ((John Claudius)
Observations on the Formation and Management of Useful and Ornamental Plantations; on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening; and on Gaining and Embanking Land from Rivers or the Sea.
1804 £495.00
M'NAB (William Ramsey)
Hints on the Planting and General Treatment of Hardy Evergreens, in the Climate of Scotland, particularly the following: Strawberry Tree. Common Holly. Common Laurel. Portugal Laurel. Alaternus. Laurestine. Arbutus Unedo. Ilex Aquifolia. Prunus Laurocerasus. Prunus Lusitanica. Rhamnus Alaternus. Viburnum Tinus.
1830 £100.00
MONTAGUE (Peregrine)
The Family Pocket-Book: or, fountain of true and useful knowledge. Containing The Farrier's Guide; or, the Horse Dissected: Being the most accurate, and satisfactory Account of the Diseases incident to that noble Beast, ever yet publish'd; with their Signs, Symptoms, Prognosticks and Cures in all Cases. A certain cure for the Glanders, without trepanning; a never-failing cure for the Grease; and another for broken winded Horses: wrote by way of Dialogue. The best Directions for breaking a Colt, and managing a Race-Horse... method of preventing chimneys from smoaking [sic]... method of breeding game-cocks... the gardener's legacy... the young housekeeper's guide in cooking, pickling, preserving, etc. / compiled after thirty years' experience, by Peregrine Montague.
1762 £650.00
Paradisi in sole Paradisus Terrestris. Or A garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed up: with a Kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes, & fruites, for meate or sause used with us, and an Orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing Trees and shrubbes fit for our Land together with the right orderinge planting & preserving of them and their uses & vertues, Collected by John Parkinson Apothecary of London.
1629 £4750.00
ROHDE (Eleanour Sinclair)
The Old English Gardening Books.
1924 £26.00
SHAW (James)
Plans, Elevations, and Sections; with Observations and Explanations, of Forcing-Houses, in Gardening. By James Shaw, Gardener to the Right Hon. Lord Mulgrave.
1794 £5500.00
SPEECHLY (William)
Practical Hints in Domestic Rural Economy, relating particularly to the utility, formation, and management of fruit, kitchen, & cottage gardens, and orchards: arranged in sections, as proposed by the honourable The Board of Agriculture: with copious illustrative notes; and an appendix, containing several original agricultural essays.
1820 £275.00
STEELE (Richard)
An Essay upon Gardening, containing a catalogue of exotic plants for the stoves and green-houses of the British gardens: the best method of planting the hot-house vine; with directions for obtaining and preparing proper earths and compositions, to preserve tender exotics observations on the history of gardening, and a contrast of the ancient with the modern taste. York: Printed for the Author, by G. Peacock, 1793. First edition, 2 parts, xx, [2], xxi-xxii, [2], 159, [1]; 102, [8]p., with an additional letterpress divisional title and list of subscribers, 3 large folding engraved plates (one with two short closed tears to folds). [Bound with:] SPEECHLY (William) A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine, exhibiting new and advantageous methods of propagating, cultivating, and training that plant, so as to render it abundantly fruitful. Together with new hints on the formation of vineyards in England.
1790 £2795.00
THOUIN (Gabriel)
Plans Raisonnés de Toutes les Espèces de Jardins.
1823 £975.00
TROWELL (Samuel) & ELLIS (William)
The Farmer's Instructor; or, the Husbandman and Gardener's Useful and Necessary Companion. Being a new treatise of husbandry, gardening, and other curious matters relating to country affairs. Containing A Plain and Practical Method of improving all Sorts of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, &c. and making them produce greater Crops of all Kinds, and at much less than the present Expence. Giving an Account how poor Land, not worth above 5 s. an Acre, may be made to bear as good Crops of Grain, Grass, &c. as the richest, at the most reasonable Expence, by a new Manure, and the Use of a New Invented Excellent Four-Wheel-Drill-Plough, and Horse-Break, both so light, that a Man may easily draw either of them, which are here exhibited, and the Uses and Manner of working them fully explained. Also, The Seedsman's Monthly Kalendar, shewing the best and most easy Method for raising and cultivating every Sort of Seed belonging to a Kitchen and Flower-Garden, with necessary Instructions for sowing of Berries, Masts and Seeds, Ever-Greens, Forest-Trees, and such as are proper for improving of Land. With many New, Useful, and Curious Improvements, never before Published. First begun by Samuel Trowell, Gent. and now compleated with a Supplement to every Chapter on Husbandry; by William Ellis, Farmer, At Little Gaddesden, in Hertfordshire.
1750 £275.00
WESTON (Richard)
The English Flora: or, a Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Fruits, Natives as well as Exotics, Cultivated for Use or Ornament in the English Nurseries, Greenhouses and Stoves, arranged according to Linnaean System; with the Latin Trivial, and common English Names, and an English Index referring to the Latin Names. Also a General Catalogue of Seeds, for the Kitchen-Garden, Flower-Garden, Grass-Lands, &c. Usually Raised for Sale, and those Annually Imported from America. [With:] Supplement.
1775 £345.00
WESTON (Richard)
The English Flora: or, a catalogue of trees, shrubs, plants and fruits, natives as well as exotics, cultivated, for use or ornament, in the English nurseries, greenhouses and stoves, arranged according to the Linnean system ; with the Latin trivial and common English names and an English index referring to the Latin names. Also, A general catalogue of seeds for the kitchen-garden, flower-garden, grass-lands, etc. usually raised for sale, and those annually imported from America. [With:] Supplement.
1775 £150.00
Systema Horti-culturæ: or, The Art of Gardening. In three books. The I. Treateth of the excellency, scituation[sic], soil, form, walks, arbours, springs, fountains, water-works, grotto's, statues, and other ornaments of gardens, with many rules, and directions, concerning the same. The II. Treateth of all sorts of trees planted for ornament of shade, winter-greens, flower-trees, and flowers, that are propagated or preserv'd in the gardens of the best florists, and the best ways and methods of raising, planting, and improving them. The III. Treateth of the kitchin garden, and of the variety of plants propagated for food, or for any culinary uses: with many general and particular rules, and instructions, for the making hot beds, altering and enriching any sort of garden ground, watering, cleansing, and adapting all sorts of earth to the various plants that are usually planted therein. To the great improvement of every sort of land, as well for use and profit, as for ornament and delight. Illustrated with sculptures, representing the form of gardens, according to the newest models.
1688 £1200.00
YOUNG (Arthur)
Annals of Agriculture, and other useful Arts. Collected and Published by Arthur Young, Esq. F.R.S. [A consecutive run from vol. 1-39; 1784-1803].
1786 £1650.00