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Book Details

TROWELL (Samuel) & ELLIS (William). The Farmer's Instructor; or, the Husbandman and Gardener's Useful and Necessary Companion. Being a new treatise of husbandry, gardening, and other curious matters relating to country affairs. Containing A Plain and Practical Method of improving all Sorts of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, &c. and making them produce greater Crops of all Kinds, and at much less than the present Expence. Giving an Account how poor Land, not worth above 5 s. an Acre, may be made to bear as good Crops of Grain, Grass, &c. as the richest, at the most reasonable Expence, by a new Manure, and the Use of a New Invented Excellent Four-Wheel-Drill-Plough, and Horse-Break, both so light, that a Man may easily draw either of them, which are here exhibited, and the Uses and Manner of working them fully explained. Also, The Seedsman's Monthly Kalendar, shewing the best and most easy Method for raising and cultivating every Sort of Seed belonging to a Kitchen and Flower-Garden, with necessary Instructions for sowing of Berries, Masts and Seeds, Ever-Greens, Forest-Trees, and such as are proper for improving of Land. With many New, Useful, and Curious Improvements, never before Published. First begun by Samuel Trowell, Gent. and now compleated with a Supplement to every Chapter on Husbandry; by William Ellis, Farmer, At Little Gaddesden, in Hertfordshire.1750

London: Printed for J. Hodges, Second edition, 8vo (197 x 122 mm), xiii, [3], 254, [2]pp., with a half-title and a final advertisement leaf, engraved frontispiece, one engraved plate, endpapers renewed, later full panelled calf, a very good copy. This was self-evidently an expansion and editing of Trowell's 'New Treatise of Husbandry', originally published in 1738. Provenance: Ink signature of 'Thomas Davis, 1792' to half-title. Rothamsted, p.149; Blanche Henry, 1442.

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