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Book Details

M'NAB (William Ramsey). Hints on the Planting and General Treatment of Hardy Evergreens, in the Climate of Scotland, particularly the following: Strawberry Tree. Common Holly. Common Laurel. Portugal Laurel. Alaternus. Laurestine. Arbutus Unedo. Ilex Aquifolia. Prunus Laurocerasus. Prunus Lusitanica. Rhamnus Alaternus. Viburnum Tinus.1830

Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, 38, George Street, &c. First edition, (8vo 203 x 130 mm) 40pp., disbound. The Author was the Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh. Associate of the Linnaean and Medico-Botanical Societies of London; corresponding Member of the Horticultural Societies of London and Edinburgh, &c.

Stock #31194

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