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Book Details

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.. 4 Items relating to the Horticultural Society of London. 1. Circular to Nurserymen, etc. Connected with the Horticultural Society of London. [Beginning] Sir, The Garden Committee has deemed it expedient to adopt certain Regulations respecting the distribution of plants, &c. from the Garden of the Society... [etc.] 2. [Request for subscription] Sir, The Council of the Horticultural Society has directed that the enclosed Statement of the plan and objects of a New Garden should be transmitted for your information... [etc.] 3. State of the accounts of the Horticultural Society of London, for the years ending May 1, 1821, and May 1, 1822. 4. A.L.s dated June 22, 1822, from the secretary Joseph Sabine to a Mr. Thomas Gibbs, thanking him for plants and giving very brief observations on them.1822

[London, Together 4 items, the first three printed, the forth in manuscript, the first 4pp., 4to, dated January, 1822, printed on recto of first leaf only, folded for sending out as a letter, with seal and addressed to Thomas Gibbs; the second 4pp., folio, dated 25th February, 1822, printed on recto of first leaf only, also folded for sending and addressed to Gibbs; the third 4pp., 4to, printed on all pages; the fourth item four pages, hand-written on first three, again folded with seal, all items a bit dusty and creased. The second item does not have the 'Statement of the plan and objects.' The Horticultural Society of London was founded in 1804 by Sir Joseph Banks and John Wedgwood, later becoming the Royal Horticultural Society. Thomas Gibbs of Ampthill in Bedfordshire, was seedman to the Board of Agriculture and had a nursery of six acres to the west, where Onslow Square was built. He established his nursery on the estate in 1800 and used it both for horticultural purposes and for experiments to produce improved crop seed.

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