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Book Details

MONTAGUE (Peregrine). The Family Pocket-Book: or, fountain of true and useful knowledge. Containing The Farrier's Guide; or, the Horse Dissected: Being the most accurate, and satisfactory Account of the Diseases incident to that noble Beast, ever yet publish'd; with their Signs, Symptoms, Prognosticks and Cures in all Cases. A certain cure for the Glanders, without trepanning; a never-failing cure for the Grease; and another for broken winded Horses: wrote by way of Dialogue. The best Directions for breaking a Colt, and managing a Race-Horse... method of preventing chimneys from smoaking [sic]... method of breeding game-cocks... the gardener's legacy... the young housekeeper's guide in cooking, pickling, preserving, etc. / compiled after thirty years' experience, by Peregrine Montague.1762

London: Printed by Henry Coote, [and sold by George Paul,] First edition, small 8vo (165 x 104 mm), [2], 162pp., title and first leaf of index with lower outer corner torn away, effecting a few words from imprint and index, woodcut frontispiece, woodcuts in the text, cont. sheep, rubbed. A rare wide ranging working with the first 47 pages devoted to horse-management, other subjects include smoking chimneys, breeding game-cocks, Indian way of making silk, hairdressing, dentistry, wine-making, gardening, etc. and includes (occupying the last 31 pages) "The Young House-Keeper's Pocket Companion, in the Art of Cookery." Dingley, 461 (166-page version); Maclean, p. 102, not in Bitting.

Stock #40657

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