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Book Details

WOOLRIDGE (John). Systema Horti-culturæ: or, The Art of Gardening. In three books. The I. Treateth of the excellency, scituation[sic], soil, form, walks, arbours, springs, fountains, water-works, grotto's, statues, and other ornaments of gardens, with many rules, and directions, concerning the same. The II. Treateth of all sorts of trees planted for ornament of shade, winter-greens, flower-trees, and flowers, that are propagated or preserv'd in the gardens of the best florists, and the best ways and methods of raising, planting, and improving them. The III. Treateth of the kitchin garden, and of the variety of plants propagated for food, or for any culinary uses: with many general and particular rules, and instructions, for the making hot beds, altering and enriching any sort of garden ground, watering, cleansing, and adapting all sorts of earth to the various plants that are usually planted therein. To the great improvement of every sort of land, as well for use and profit, as for ornament and delight. Illustrated with sculptures, representing the form of gardens, according to the newest models.1688

London: Printed for Tho. Dring, Third edition, with large additions, 8vo (167 x 105 mm), [2], x, [4], 278, [18]pp., with the final advert leaf and additional engraved title page, 3 engraved plates, some light browning to blank fore-edges, cont. full mottled calf, small crack to upper lower joint else a very nice copy in a nice contemporary binding. "This popular treatise, with a title-page and three plates engraved by F. H. van Hove, contains much useful advice and information for the practical gardener. The author... is generally considered one of the most enlightened of the seventeenth-century writers on gardening and husbandry."—Henry. Henry, pp.205-206; Hunt, 380; Wing, W2606.

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