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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
[ATKYNS (Arabella)] pseudonym.
The Family Magazine: in Two Parts. Part I. Containing Useful Directions in all the Branches of House-Keeping and Cookery. Particularly Shewing How to Buy-it the Best of all Sorts of Provisions; as Poultry-Ware, Butchers-Meat, Fish, Fruit, &c. With several Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Pastry, Pickling, Confectionary, Distilling, Brewing, Cosmeticks, &c. Together with the Art of making English Wines, &c. Part II. Containing a Compendious Body of Physick; Succinctly Treating of all the Diseases and Accidents Incident to Men, Women, and Children: with Practical Rules and Directions for the Preserving and Restoring of Health, and Prolonging of Life...
1741 £395.00
[BURKE (John French)]
Cottage Economy and Cookery, from Essays Submitted to the Royal English Agricultural Society.
1843 £35.00
[JOHNSON (Mary)]
Madam Johnson's Present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. Digested under the following Heads: I. Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetick, taught without the Help of a Master. II. The Compleat Market-Woman. III. The Cook's Guide for dressing all Sorts of Flesh, Fowl and Fish. IV. For Pickling, Pastry, and Confectionary. V. An Estimate of the Expences of a Family in the middling Station of Life. VI. The Art and Terms of Carving Fish, Fowl, and Flesh. Vii. A Bill of Fare for every Month in the Year for Dinner and Supper, and also for extraordinary Occasions. Viii. The Young Woman's Instructor for the right Spelling of Words used in Marketting, Cookery, Pickling, Preserving, &c. &c. &c. To this edition are added, some plain and very necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful Tables: Which renders it the Completest Book of the Kind ever published. The Compiler, Madam Johnson, in order to make this Book come as cheap as possible to the Purchasers, has, out of her Benevolence, fixed the Price at 1 s. 6 d. Bound; though it contains double the Quantity that is usually sold for that Sum.
1765 £695.00
[KITCHINER (William)]
Apicius Redivivus. The Cook's Oracle: containing practical receipts. For roasting, boiling, frying... &c, &c, on the most economical plan for private families; also, the art of composing the most simple, and most highly finished broths, gravies, soups, sauces, and flavoring essences: the quantity of each article being accurately stated by weight or measure... The result of actual experiments made in the kitchen of a physician, for the purpose of composing a culinary code for the rational epicure.
1818 £225.00
[MARKHAM (Grevase)]
Covntrey Contentments, or The English Huswife. Containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in physicke, surgerie, extraction of oyles, banqueting-stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preseruing of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hempe, flax, making cloth, dying, the knowledge of dayries, office of malting, oats, their excellent vses in a family, brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A worke generally approued, and now much augmented, purged and made most profitable and necessarie for all men, and dedicated to the honour of the noble house of Exceter, and the generall good of this kingdome. By G.M.
1623 £1295.00
[MORE (Hannah)]
The Cottage Cook; or, Mrs. Jones's Cheap Dishes; Shewing the Way to do much Good with little Money.
1805 £495.00
[ROBINSON (Nicholas)]
A Treatise on the Virtues and Efficacy of a Crust of Bread, Eat early in a Morning Fasting: to which are added, some particular remarks concerning great Cures accomplished by the Saliva, or Fasting-Spittle, as well when externally applied, as when internally given, in the Scurvy, Gravel, Stone, Rheumatism, and divers other diseases, arising from obstructions. By A Physician.
1763 £245.00
[ROLLESTON (Samuel)]
Oinos Krithinos. A Dissertation Concerning the Origin and Antiquity of Barley Wine.
1750 £445.00
The Cook Not Mad, or Rational Cookery: being a collection of original and selected receipts, embracing not only the art of curing various kinds of meats and vegetables for future use, but of cooking, in its general acceptation, to the taste, habits, and degrees of luxury, prevalent with the American publick, in town and country. : To which are added, directions for preparing comforts for the sick-room; together with sundry miscellaneous kinds of information, of importance to housekeepers in general, nearly all tested by experience.
1830 £695.00
APPERT (Nicolas)
The Art of Preserving all kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances for several Years.
1811 £650.00
The Book of the Household; or Family Dictionary of Everything Connected with Housekeeping and Domestic Medicine.
1862 £45.00
The Court and Country Confectioner: or, the House-Keeper's Guide; To a more speedy, plain, and familiar method of understanding the whole art of confectionary, pastry, distilling, and the making of fine flavoured English wines from all kinds of fruits, herbs, and flowers; comprehending near five hundred easy and practical receipts, never before made known. Particularly, Preserving. Candying. Icing. Transparent Marmalade. Orange. Pine-Apple. Pistachio, and other Rich Creams. Caramel. Pastils. Bomboons. Syrups. Puff, Spun, and Fruit-Pastes. Light-Biscuits. Puffs. Rich Seed-Cakes. Custards. Syllabubs. Flummeries. Trifles, Whips, Fruits, and other Jellies. - Pickles, &c. Also New and easy directions for clarifying the different degrees of sugar, together with several bills of fare of deserts for private gentlemen's families, A new edition. To which is added, a dissertation on the different species of fruits, and the art of distilling simple waters, cordials, persumed oils, and essences. By Mr. Borella, now head confectioner to the Spanish Ambassador in England.
1772 £1495.00
A Table of the Assize of Bread, In Pounds, Ounces, and Drams, Averdupois Weight. Explanation: in the First and Last Columns is the Price of the Bushel of Wheat...
1730 £110.00
CAGLE (William R.)
A Matter of Taste. A Bibliographical Catalogue of International Books on Food and Drink in the Lilly Library, Indiana University.
1999 £50.00
CHILD (Samuel)
Every Man his own Brewer. A practical treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny and table-beer; recommending and proving the ease and possibility of every man's brewing his own beer... [Bound with: FELLOWES (William Dorset) Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Packet The Lady Hobart... and two other works (see below)].
1802 £245.00
The Complete Family-Piece: and, country gentleman, and farmer's best guide. In three parts.
1736 £395.00
The Complete Family-Piece: and Country Gentleman, and Farmer's, Best Guide. In three parts. Part I. containing a... collection of above one thousand well-experienced practical family-receipts... Part II. containing, I. Full instructions to be observed in hunting, coursing, setting and shooting... II. Cautions, rules, and directions to be taken and observed in fishing; with the manner of making and preserving of rods, lines, floats, artificial flies, &c. and for chusing and preserving several sorts of curious baits. III. A full... kalendar of all work necessary to be done in the fruit, flower, and kitchen gardens... Part III. containing, practical rules, and methods, for the improving of land, and managing a farm in all its branches.
1737 £195.00
Catalogue of the Collection of Books on Cookery and Gastronomy. The Property of M. Leon Lambert.
1966 £16.00
Catalogue of the Westbury Collection of Cookery Books...
1965 £15.00
The Housekeeper's Guide, or a Plain & Practical System of Domestic Cookery.
1834 £140.00
The Practice of Cookery, Pastry and Confectionary; in three parts... An appendix containing receipts for making wines, vingears, ketchups, syrups, cordials, possets, &c. dinner and supper dishes; articles in season; directions for carving, &c. Also new plates, shewing the manner of trussing poultry, and placing dishes on a table. And to which is now added, an index to the whole, arranged alphabetically.
1804 £225.00
Apician Morsels, or, Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder: Containing a New and Improved Code of Eatics; Select Epicurean Precepts; Nutritive Maxims, Reflections, Anecdotes, &c. Illustrating the Veritable Science of the Mouth which Includes the Art of Never Breakfasting at Home, and Always Dining Abroad.
1829 £125.00
Culina Famulatrix Medicinae: or, receipts in modern cookery. With a medical Commentary, Written By Ignotus and Revised By A. Hunter.
1807 £150.00
The New London Family Cook: or, Town and country housekeeper's guide. Comprehending directions for marketing... practical instructions for preparing soups, broths, gravies, sauces, and made dishes...
1800 £150.00
COOKERY. MOXON (Elizabeth)
English Housewifery, Exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery... With cuts for the orderly placing the dishes and courses; also bills of fare for every month in the year; and an alphabetical index to the whole... by Elizabeth Moxon. With an appendix, containing upwards of seventy receipts, of the most valuable kind; (many never before printed)... To this edition is now added, and introduction, giving an account of the times when river fish are in season; and a table, shewing at one view the proper seasons for sea fish.
1804 £135.00
