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Book Details

[KITCHINER (William)]. Apicius Redivivus. The Cook's Oracle: containing practical receipts. For roasting, boiling, frying... &c, &c, on the most economical plan for private families; also, the art of composing the most simple, and most highly finished broths, gravies, soups, sauces, and flavoring essences: the quantity of each article being accurately stated by weight or measure... The result of actual experiments made in the kitchen of a physician, for the purpose of composing a culinary code for the rational epicure.1818

Printed for John Hatchard. Second Edition, large 12mo, revised, lvii, [i], 59-592, [8 of music],pp., engraved frontispiece (foxed) of marketing table and eight pages of music titled "Anacreontic Song" at end, recent quarter calf, marbled boards, leather label to spine, uncut. The convivial song concludes (con spirito) 'Let me while I live entwine the joys of friendship, love and wine'. Cagle 798; Bitting, p.262; Oxford, p.146.

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