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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
A Modern System of Domestic Cookery; or, The housekeeper's guide : arranged on the most economical plan for private families... A complete family physician, and instructions to female servants in every situation, showing the best methods of performing their various duties. The whole being the result of actual experiments / by M. Radcliffe. To which are added, as an appendix, some valuable instructions on the management of the kitchen and fruit gardens.
1823 £135.00
Gastronomy: or, the School for Good Living; a literary and historical essay on the European kitchen, beginning with Cadmus the cook and king, and concluding with the union of cookery and [sic] chymistry.
1822 £50.00
Cookery Made Easy: being a complete system of domestic management, uniting elegance with economy...
1825 £135.00
DICAS (John)
Directions for Using the Patent Saccharometer, for brewing ale and beer, at all times to the same strength, also shewing the comparative value of malt, &c. Invented by the late John Dicas, and for upwards of sixteen years, made only by his daughter and successor, Mary Arstall, late Mary Dicas, mathematical instrument maker, Liverpool: the only proprietor of the patent, who, for some time previous to the decease of her father, assisted in making the above instruments. The manufactory of the patent saccharometers, hydrometers, and lacto-meters, was for some time carried on by M. Arstall, under the firm of Dicas & Co.
1814 £345.00
EATON (Mrs. Mary)
The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all its Various Branches, adapted to the Use of Private Families, Also a Variety of Original and Valuable Information Relative to Baking, Brewing, Carving...
1823 £145.00
Four Centuries of Food and Drink.
Catalogue of a Collection of Books and Manuscripts of the 15th to 20th Century on Food and Wine from the Well Known Library of Harry Schraemli.
1971 £20.00
HAZLEHURST (Priscilla)
The Family Friend, and Young Woman's Companion; or Housekeeper's Instructor : Containing a very complete collection of Original and Approved Receipts, in every Branch of Cookery, Confectionary, &c. &c.
1820 £295.00
LEMERY (Louis)
A treatise of all sorts of foods, both animal and vegetable: also of drinkables: Giving an Account How to chuse the best Sort of all Kinds; Of the good and bad Effects they produce; the Principles they abound with; the Time, Age and Constitution they are adapted to. Wherein their Nature and Use is explain'd according to the Sentiments of the most eminent Physicians and Naturalists Antient and Modern. The Whole divided into one Hundred seventy-six Chapters. With Remarks upon each. Written originally in French. By the Learned M. L. Lemery, Physician to the King, and Member of the Royal Academy. Translated by D. Hay, M. D. To which is added, An Introduction treating of Foods in general: A Table of the Chapters, and an Alphabetical Index. A Work of universal Use to all who are inclin'd to know the good or bad Qualities of what they eat or drink.
1745 £475.00
MACLEAN (Virginia)
Short-Title Catalogue of Household and Cookery Books Published in the English Tongue 1701-1800.
1981 £12.00
Food and Drink Through the Ages 2500 B.C. to 1937 A.D. A Catalogue of Antiquities, Manuscripts, Books, and Engravings Treating of Cookery, Eating and Drinking Including Books from the Library and with the Bookplate of Robert Viel, the Famous Paris Restaurateur. Catalogue 645.
1937 £15.00
The New Family Receipt Book, containing a large collection of highly estimated Receipts, in a variety of branches, viz. Brewing, making and preserving British Wines, dying, rural and domestic Economy, carefully selected from experienced and approved receipts, for the use of publicans and housekeepers in general, a great number of which were never before published.
1830 £145.00
MONTAGUE (Peregrine)
The Family Pocket-Book: or, fountain of true and useful knowledge. Containing The Farrier's Guide; or, the Horse Dissected: Being the most accurate, and satisfactory Account of the Diseases incident to that noble Beast, ever yet publish'd; with their Signs, Symptoms, Prognosticks and Cures in all Cases. A certain cure for the Glanders, without trepanning; a never-failing cure for the Grease; and another for broken winded Horses: wrote by way of Dialogue. The best Directions for breaking a Colt, and managing a Race-Horse... method of preventing chimneys from smoaking [sic]... method of breeding game-cocks... the gardener's legacy... the young housekeeper's guide in cooking, pickling, preserving, etc. / compiled after thirty years' experience, by Peregrine Montague.
1762 £650.00
MOXON (Elizabeth)
English Housewifery, exemplified in above Four Hundred and Fifty Receipts, giving Directions in the most Parts of Cookery; and how to prepare various Sorts of Soups, Made-Dishes, Pastes, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, &c. With Cuts for orderly placing the Dishes and Courses;..... With an Appendix, containing upwards of seventy Receips [sic]......
1789 £245.00
PLAT (Sir Hugh)
The Jewel House of Art and Nature: Containing Divers Rare and Profitable Inventions, together with sundry new Experiments in the Art of Husbandry, with Divers Chimical conclusions concerning the Art of Distillation, and the rare practises and uses thereof. Faithfully an familiarly set down, according to the authours own experience. By Sir Hugh Plat of Lincolns-Inne, Knight. Whereunto is added, a rare and excellent discourse of minerals, stones, gums, and rosins; with the vertues and use thereof. By D.B. Gent.
1653 £2895.00
French Wines and Vineyards; and the Way to Find Them.
1860 £595.00
SCOTT (William) Editor.
The House Book; or family chronicle of useful knowledge, and cottage physician: combining medicine, cookery, diet, general economy, health, sea-bathing, gardening, manufactures, arts, &c., &c. with the various branches of domestic concerns; including upwards of a thousand select recipes and prescriptions, from the best authorities; and a variety of other important information, for the use of families, invalids and convalescents.
1826 £225.00
SIMON (Andre L.)
Bibliotheca Gastronomica. A Catalogue of Books and Documents on Gastronomy. The Production, Taxation, Distribution and Consumption of Food and Drink. Their use and Abuse in all Times and Among all Peoples.
1953 £50.00
SMITH (George)
A Compleat Body of Distilling, Explaining the Mysteries of the Science, in a most easy and familiar manner; Containing an Exact and Accurate Method of making all the Compound Cordial-Waters now in Use, with a particular Account of their several Virtues. As also a directory Consisting of All the Instructions necessary for learning the distiller's art; with a Computation of the original Cost of the several Ingredients, and the Profits arising in Sale. Adapted no less to the Use of private Families, than of Apothecaries and Distillers. In two parts.
1738 £750.00
Bibliographie Gastronomique. A Bibliography of Books Appertaining to Food and Drink and Related Subjects, from the Beginning of Printing to 1890. Introduction by André L. Simon.
1954 £15.00
VICAIRE (Georges)
Bibliographie Gastronomique.
1978 £30.00
VICAIRE (Georges)
Bibliographie Gastronomique.
1978 £35.00
Catalogue of Printed Books and Manuscripts Relating to Wine and Food the Property of Mrs. J. D. Simon from the Library of the late Andre L. Simon...
1981 £18.00
