Book Details
SMITH (George). A Compleat Body of Distilling, Explaining the Mysteries of the Science, in a most easy and familiar manner; Containing an Exact and Accurate Method of making all the Compound Cordial-Waters now in Use, with a particular Account of their several Virtues. As also a directory Consisting of All the Instructions necessary for learning the distiller's art; with a Computation of the original Cost of the several Ingredients, and the Profits arising in Sale. Adapted no less to the Use of private Families, than of Apothecaries and Distillers. In two parts.1738
London: Printed for Henry Linton, Third edition, 8vo (197 x 125 mm), [6], 89, [3], 93-150, [2]pp., engraved frontispiece of the distilling room showing the apparatus, occasional minor staining, cont. full calf, old reback. The standard eighteenth-century manual of distillation first published in 1725, dealing with general theory and practice, and the production of distilled cordials. Gabler, pp. 263-4; Maclean, pp. 135-6; Cagle, 998 (first edition of 1725).
Stock #39179