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Book Details

[MORE (Hannah)]. The Cottage Cook; or, Mrs. Jones's Cheap Dishes; Shewing the Way to do much Good with little Money.1805

London: Sold by J. Evans & Son (printer to the Cheap Repository for Moral and Religious Tracts); J. Hatchard; J. Binns, 8vo (175 x 115 mm), woodcut vignette to title, light staining and age toning throughout, blank fore-edge margin of title page with small chip, disbound, uncut. Rare Cheap Repository tract by Hannah More, aimed through the use of a moral tale at helping less educated and poor women run efficient, economical kitchens which could still provide nutritious food to their families. One of several editions published between 1795 and 1810, all of which are scarce. Maclean, p. 78.

Stock #38300

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