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Book Details

APPERT (Nicolas). The Art of Preserving all kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances for several Years.1811

London: Printed for Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, First English edition, 12mo (194 x 110mm) xx, [4], 164, [2, explanation of the plate]pp., with half-title, engraved folding plate depicting instruments for corking bottles (lightly spotted), orig. boards, corners rubbed, later printed title label to spine, uncut. The first English edition, the French edition being published a year earlier, of the first book to deal with canned foods. Appert, a Parisian confectioner and manufacturer of cordials, invented the process for the conservation of food by heat in hermetically sealed containers—an invention which was to revolutionise catering technique up to the present day. Includes canning instructions for meat, vegetables and fruits. Bitting, p. 14; Oxford, p. 141; Simon, 135; Cagle, 545.

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