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Author Title Year Price
CATO (Marcus Porcius) and others.
Methodus Rustica Catonis atq. Varronis. Praeceptis aphoristicis per Locos communes digestis a Theodoro Zwingero typice delineata & illustrata.
1576 £575.00
An Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain, during the present and four preceding reigns; and of the Losses of her Trade from every War since the Revolution.
1786 £35.00
CHANNING (William Ellery)
Lectures on the Elevation of the Labouring Portion of the Community.
1840 £40.00
An Enquiry into the Present State of our Domestick Affairs. Shewing the Danger of a New Opposition; and wherein Some Characters, which have been unjustly aspersed, are modestly vindicated.
1734 £25.00
CHILD (Samuel)
Every Man his own Brewer. A practical treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny and table-beer; recommending and proving the ease and possibility of every man's brewing his own beer... [Bound with: FELLOWES (William Dorset) Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Packet The Lady Hobart... and two other works (see below)].
1802 £245.00
CLARK (Thomas)
A new process for purifying the Waters supplied to the Metropolis by the existing Water Companies: rendering each water much softer, preventing a Fur Boiling Matter, separating Vegetating and Colouring Matter, destroying numerous Water-Insects, and withdrawing from solution large quantities of Solid Matter, not separable by mere Filtration.
1841 £45.00
[A] Dissertation on the Use and Abuse of Tobacco. Wherein The Advantages and Disadvantages attending the consumption of that entertaining weed, are particularly considered. humbly addressed, to all the tobacco-consumers in Great-Britain and Ireland, but especially to those among religious people.
1797 £295.00
COLBY (Colonel T. F.)
Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry. Volume the First [all published].
1837 £185.00
COLE (G. D. H.)
The Life of Robert Owen.
1930 £20.00
COMBER (William Turner)
An Inquiry into the State of National Subsistence, as connected with the Progress of Wealth and Population.
1808 £395.00
General Remarks on our Commerce with the Continent, shewing our Commercial and Political influence on the States of Russia, Prussia, Sweden, and Denmark. To which is added, Observations on British Expeditions to Germany; and our Diplomatique Agents abroad, &c. &c. Respectfully dedicated to the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain and Ireland.
1806 £60.00
The Policy of the Blockading System refuted, with Observations on the Present Stage of the War! In a Letter to a Friend.
1807 £50.00
A Series of Wisdom and Policy: being a full Justification of all Our Measures ever since the Year 1721, inclusive; and especially of our late most Honourable Convention with Spain.
1739 £35.00
To guard against Misrepresentation. An Authentic Statement, faithfully extracted from the Report of the Committee of the Privy Council, appointed by His Majesty, for the Consideration of all Matters relating to the intended System of Commerce between Great-Britain and Ireland..... Addressed to the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great-Britain.
1785 £95.00
The Secret Expedition Impartially disclos'd: or, an authentick, faithful narrative of all occurrences that happened to the fleet and army commanded by Sir E—H—and Sir J—M—, from its first sailing to its return to England. With apparent reasons for not landing the infantry, and many other interesting particulars, not yet made publick. By a Commissioned Officer on board the Fleet, and Graduate of the University, &c.
1757 £95.00
Considerations on the Times.
1769 £35.00
The Three Prize Essays on Agriculture and the Corn Law. [Showing the Injurious Effects of the Corn Law upon Tenant Farmers and Farm Labourers. By George Hope, Arthur Morse and William Rathbone Greg.] Published by the National Anti-Corn-Law League.
1842 £40.00
Considerations addressed to the Clergy and Laity, shewing the advantages of Leases on Corn Rents, as Compositions for Tythes, and other preferableness to a commutation of Tythes for Land or Money Payments.
1831 £30.00
[COURT (Pieter de la)]
The True Interest and Political Maxims of the Republick of Holland and West-Friesland. In Three Parts. The First Treating of Liberty in General. Of Manufactures. Fisheries. Traffick Navigation...... Part 11. and 111. Of a Free Navigation, and clearing the Seas.... Of the natural Strength and Fortifications of Holland. And Of its Interest in all Respects as to the Government of a Single Person. Written by John de Witt, and other Great Men in Holland.
1702 £395.00
Reflections on the Pernicious Custom of Recruiting by Crimps; and on various other Modes now practised in the British Army. In a Letter to a Friend.
1795 £245.00
CRUMPE (Samuel)
An Essay on the Best Means of Providing Employment for the People. To which was Adjudged the Prize Proposed by the Royal Irish Academy for the best Dissertation on that Subject.
1793 £395.00
Hints on Agricultural Subjects and on the Best Means of Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes.
1809 £175.00
Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland; from the Dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II.
1790 £295.00
The Question considered, whether Wool should be allowed to be exported, when the price is low at home, on paying a Duty to the Public?
1781 £145.00
A Defence of the People: or Full Confutation of the Pretended Facts, advanc'd In a late Huge, Angry Pamphlet; call'd faction detected. In a letter To the Author of that weighty Performance.
1744 £35.00

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