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Author Title Year Price
Betty Brown; or, the St. Giles's Orange Girl. With some Account of Mrs. Sponge, the Money-Lender.
1833 £15.00
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Somerset, With observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up in the tear 1795, for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1798 £125.00
BIRD (James Barry)
An Assistant to the Practice of Conveyancing; containing Indexes or References to the several Deeds, Agreements, and other Assurances comprised in the several Precedent Books of authority now in print. From the Time of Sir Orlando Bridgman to the present Period. With Short Remarks on the Distinguished Qualities of each Precedent; and Cursory Observations on the Peculiar Merit of the Conveyancers by whom they were respectively prepared.
1796 £95.00
BLACK (R.D. Collison)
A Catalogue of Pamphlets on Economic Subjects Published Between 1750 and 1900 and now Housed in Irish Libraries.
1969 £19.00
BLACKER (William)
An Essay of the Improvement to be made in the Cultivation of Small Farms by the Introduction of Green Crops, and Housefeeding the Stock thereon...
1837 £50.00
BONAR (James) Editor.
A Catalogue of the Library of the Library of Adam Smith. Author of the 'Moral Sentiments' and 'The Wealth of Nations'.
1894 £35.00
An Inquiry into the Origin and Limitations of the Feudal Dignities of Scotland.
1775 £40.00
The Manoeuverer, or Skilful Seaman: being an essay on the Theory and Practice of the various movements of a ship at sea, As well as of Naval Evolutions In General. Translated from the French of Mr. Bourdé de Villehuet, by the Chevalier de Sauseuil... Illustrated with thirteen copperplates; Five of which, with many interesting Observations interspersed through the Work, by way of Notes, are the Production of an English Officer. Dedicated To His Royal Highness Prince William-Henry.
1788 £750.00
BRAMSTON (Thomas Gardiner)
A Practical Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of the present Agricultural Distress, and the means of relieving it.
1822 £65.00
A Table of the Assize of Bread, In Pounds, Ounces, and Drams, Averdupois Weight. Explanation: in the First and Last Columns is the Price of the Bushel of Wheat...
1730 £110.00
BREWSTER (Sir Francis)
New Essays on Trade, wherein the present State of our Trade, it's Great Decay in the Chief Branches of it, and the Fatal Consequence thereof to the Nation (unless timely Remedy'd) is considered, under the most Important Heads of Trade and Navigation.
1702 £475.00
Catalogue of the Collection of Broadsides [1641-1820] in the University Library.
1930 £38.00
BROOK (John)
French Measure and English Equivalents. For the Use of Manufactures in Iron, Steel, &c.; Engineers, Toolmakers, Millwrights, Draughtsmen, Foremen, Mechanics, Forgemen, Rollermen & Artisans generally.
1906 £20.00
BROOME (Ralph)
A Comparative Review of the Administration of Mr. Hastings and Mr. Dundas, in War and in Peace.
1791 £75.00
BROWN (Robert)
General View of the Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Surveyed by Messrs Rennie, Brown, & Shirreff, 1793. With Observations on the Means of its Improvement, and Additional Information since received. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1799 £110.00
BROWN (Robert)
General View of the Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Surveyed by Messrs Rennie, Brown, & Shirreff, 1793. With Observations on the Means of its Improvement, and Additional Information since received. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London:1799.
1799 £110.00
BROWN (Thomas)
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Derby, with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
1794 £110.00
BURKE (Edmund)
Mr. Burke's Speech, on the Motion made for Papers relative to the Directions for charging the Nabob of Arcot's private debts to Europeans, on the Revenues of the Carnatic. February 28th, 1785. With an Appendix, containing several Documents.
1785 £75.00
[BURNET (Sir Thomas)]
A Second Tale of a Tub: or, The History of Robert Powel the Puppet-Show-Man.
1715 £375.00
Good News for the Industrious; or, The Blessings of Saving Money betimes. Addressed generally to the Poor: but in Particular to all Journeymen, Apprentices, Servants, and Labourers, of Caerleon, and its Neighbourhood.
1830 £30.00
A Political Survey of Britain: Being a Series of reflections on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies, and Commerce of This Island. Intended to Shew That we have not as yet approached near the Summit of Improvement, but that it will afford Employment to many Generations before they push to their utmost Extent the natural Advantages of Great Britain.
1774 £345.00
CANNEY (Margaret) & KNOTT (David) Compilers.
Catalogue of the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature.
1982 £50.00
CANNING (George)
Substance of the Speech of the Right Hon. George Canning, on Lord Morpeth's Motion for a Committee on the State of Ireland.
1812 £50.00
CARPENTER (Kenneth E.) & BARUCCI (Piero)
Italian Economic Literature in the Kress Library, 1475-1850.
1987 £45.00
CARPENTER (William B.)
The Physiology of Temperance & Total Abstinence. Being an examination of the effects of the excessive, moderate, and occasional use of alcoholic liquors on the healthy human system.
1858 £35.00

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