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Author Title Year Price
BURKHARDT (Frederick) PORTER (Duncan M.) BROWNE (Janet) & RICHMOND (Marsha) Editors.
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volume 8: 1860.
1993 £65.00
A Method of Making Artificial Magnets without the use of Natural Ones, Communicated to the Royal Society by John Canton, M. A. and Fellow of the said Society.
1751 £495.00
CARY (W.) & BEVAN (B.)
A Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments, Made and Sold by W. Cary, No. 181, Strand, near Norfolk Street. London: Printed by Davidson, 1829. 16pp. [Bound after:] BEVAN (B.) A Practical Treatise on the Sliding Rule: in two parts. Part the first being an introduction to the use of the rule generally as adapted for calculations that usually occur to persons in trade. Part the second containing formulae for the use of surveyors, architects, civil engineers, and scientific gentlemen.
1822 £395.00
Sermons, Preached in the Tron Church, Glasgow.
1819 £75.00
CHAMBERS (Ephraim)
[Cyclopaedia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences...]
1788 £650.00
CHARAS (Moyse)
New Experiments upon Vipers. With exquisite remedies, that may be drawn from them, as well for the cure of their bitings, as for that of other maladies. Also a letter of Francisco Redi, concerning some objections made upon his observations about vipers: written to Monsieur Bourdelot and Mr. Alex. Morus. Together with the sequel of new experiments upon vipers, in a reply to a letter written by Sign. F. Redi. By M. Charas. Now rendred English.
1673 £1495.00
CHEVALIER (M. le Chanoine Ulysse)
Son oeuvre scientifique. Sa Bio-Bibliographie.
1903 £20.00
CHEVIGNY (Sieur de)
La science des personnes de la cour, de l'epée et de la robe, où l'on trouve une instruction sur la religion. l'astronomie. la geographie. l'histoire. la chronologie. les fables. le blazon. l'interet des princes. la guerre. les fortification. Par le sieur de Chevigny, gouverneur de monsieur le marquis de Janson.
1707 £75.00
CLARE (Martin)
The Motion of Fluids, Natural and Artificial; in particular that of Air and Water, in a familiar Manner, proposed and proved, by evident and conclusive Experiments with many useful remarks. Done with such Plainness and Perspicuity, as that they may br understood by the Unlearned. For whose Sake there is added, a Short Explanation of such Uncommon Terms, which in Treating on this Subject could not, without Affection, be avoided. With plain Draughts of such Experiments and Machines, which, by Description only, might not be readily comprehended.
1735 £275.00
CLARK (F. Le Gros)
Recent Advances in Natural Science in their Relation to the Christian Faith. An Address delivered at he Reading Church Congress, October, 1883.
1883 £20.00
[A] Dissertation on the Use and Abuse of Tobacco. Wherein The Advantages and Disadvantages attending the consumption of that entertaining weed, are particularly considered. humbly addressed, to all the tobacco-consumers in Great-Britain and Ireland, but especially to those among religious people.
1797 £295.00
CLATER (Francis)
Every man his own Farrier; or, The whole Art of Farriery laid open...
1817 £25.00
COSTINE (D. Dunlop)
Has the Present System of the Administration of the Poor Laws Increased or Decreased Pauperism? A Paper Read at the Annual Conference of Poor Law Guardians of the Lancashire and Cheshire Unions, at Manchester, October 6, 1876.
1876 £35.00
Three cases of tumour arising from skin-glands in the dog: showing the connection between disorder of the glandular structure and function and cancerous invasion of the connective tissue.
1882 £48.00
CROOK (Ronald E.)
A Bibliography of Joseph Priestley 1733-1804.
1966 £15.00
Hints on Agricultural Subjects and on the Best Means of Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes.
1809 £175.00
DAY (St. John Vincent)
The Sun's Distance and Parallax; being a Paper read to the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, April 14, 1869.
1869 £75.00
The Flora of Cheshire. Edited by Spencer Moore.
1899 £45.00
DESAGULIERS (John Theophile)
A Course of Experimental Philosophy.
1764 £1695.00
The Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities; containing that part which relates to the County of Devon.
1826 £120.00
The Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities; containing that part which relates to the County of Devon. [and] The Appendix to the Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities of the County of Devon.
1826 £225.00
DICAS (John)
Directions for Using the Patent Saccharometer, for brewing ale and beer, at all times to the same strength, also shewing the comparative value of malt, &c. Invented by the late John Dicas, and for upwards of sixteen years, made only by his daughter and successor, Mary Arstall, late Mary Dicas, mathematical instrument maker, Liverpool: the only proprietor of the patent, who, for some time previous to the decease of her father, assisted in making the above instruments. The manufactory of the patent saccharometers, hydrometers, and lacto-meters, was for some time carried on by M. Arstall, under the firm of Dicas & Co.
1814 £345.00
DICKINSON (Joseph), MARRAT (Frederick P.)
The Flora of Liverpool. [With:] Supplement. [Bound with:] On the Musci and Hepaticae Found within Twelve Miles of Liverpool and Southport.
1851 £75.00
DILLENIUS (Johann Jacob)
Historia Muscorum: A General History of Land and Water, &c. Mosses and Corals, Containing all the Known Species, Exhibited by about 1000 Figures, on 85 large Royal 4to Cooper Plates, collected, drawn and engraved in the best Manner from the Originals by the Author.
1768 £995.00
DINGLEY (Pauline)
Historic Books on Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.
1992 £35.00

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