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Book Details

CARY (W.) & BEVAN (B.). A Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments, Made and Sold by W. Cary, No. 181, Strand, near Norfolk Street. London: Printed by Davidson, 1829. 16pp. [Bound after:] BEVAN (B.) A Practical Treatise on the Sliding Rule: in two parts. Part the first being an introduction to the use of the rule generally as adapted for calculations that usually occur to persons in trade. Part the second containing formulae for the use of surveyors, architects, civil engineers, and scientific gentlemen.1822

London: Printed for the Author, First edition, [2], 101, [5]pp. 2 works bound in one, 8vo, both titles interleaved with blank pages, library stamp to title of the Bevan item with library number to verso of title, modern library green cloth. The Cary catalogue lists a wide variety of instruments with prices. Also bound in are two lengthy letters with technical matter related to the sliding rule from an unknown journal mounted in blank leaves. The first is undated and has authorship initials of G.A.S. The second covering a similar ground is dated 1827 and comes from one J. W. Woollgar. With neat annotations and corrections to text and printed letters.

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