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Book Details

CHARAS (Moyse). New Experiments upon Vipers. With exquisite remedies, that may be drawn from them, as well for the cure of their bitings, as for that of other maladies. Also a letter of Francisco Redi, concerning some objections made upon his observations about vipers: written to Monsieur Bourdelot and Mr. Alex. Morus. Together with the sequel of new experiments upon vipers, in a reply to a letter written by Sign. F. Redi. By M. Charas. Now rendred English.1673

London: Printed for J. Martyn, Printer to the R. Society, Small 8vo (155 x 110 mm), [16], 223, [1], 112pp., without the final errata leaf, with the additional engraved title (blank upper outer corner torn away), imprint to printed title slightly cropped, some light marginal dampstaining and age toning to first few leaves, 3 folding engraved plates all clean, nineteenth-century half calf, spine lettered direct. A translation from the French of Moyse Charas's Nouvelles Expériences sur la Vipère (1169), in which he describing the anatomy, physiology, and habits of viper. He also regards snakes as important for the treatment of itch, erysipelas, measles, smallpox, leprosy and for skin care. His belief was that snake saliva only became venomous when the snake became agitated, opposing Francesco Redi's view that venom was constant and produced from glands behind the fangs. Wing, C2038; Wellcome II, p. 327.

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