Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
SHEPPARD (William)
The touch-stone of common assurances: or, a plain and familiar treatise, opening the learning of the common assurances, or conveyances of the kingdom. The fourth edition: revised and corrected, with notes and additional references, by Edward Hilliard,.. To which is added, a copious index.
1780 |
£145.00 |
SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley)
The Speech of R. B. Sheridan, Esq. Member for Stafford, on Wednesday, the 7th of February, 1787, in bringing forward the Fourth Charge against Warren Hastings, Esq. relative to the Begums of Oude. Reported by a member of the House of Commons.
1787 |
£110.00 |
Catalogue of the Library of the Writers to His Majesty's Signet.
1833 |
£225.00 |
SIGNET LIBRARY. [SANDY (George)] Compiler.
Catalogue of the Library of the Writers to His Majesty's Signet.
1805 |
£165.00 |
SIMPSON (Captain John)
Second Captain Hind: or the Notorious Life and Actions of that Infamous Highwayman and Housebreaker, Captain John Simpson, Alias Holiday, who was executed at Tiburn, on Saturday the 20th of July, for fellony and burglary: With an account of his mad pranks, projects, and strange exploits...
1817 |
£165.00 |
SIMPSON (William Wooley)
Observations in reference to the present mode of effecting sales of landed estates and other property : with some remarks on a recent publication by Mr. Rainy, entitled "A brief exposition regarding the transfer of real property".
1838 |
£25.00 |
SKENE (Sir John)
De verborum significatione the Exposition of the Termes and Difficill Wordes, conteined in the foure Buiks of Regiam Maiestatem, and uthers, in the Acts of Parliament, Infeftments, and used in practicque of this Realme, and with divers Rules, and common places, or principals of the Lawes. Collected and exponed be Master Iohn Skene, Clerke of our Soveraine Lordis Register, Councell and Rolles.
1641 |
£695.00 |
The Eight and Twentieth Account of the Progress made in the Cities of London and Westminster, and Places adjacent, by the Societies for Promoting a Reformation of Manners; by Furthering the Execution of the Laws against Profaneness and Immorality, and other Christian Methods. The said Societies have, in Pursuance of their Design, from the First of December 1721, to the First of December 1722, Prosecuted divers sorts of Offenders, viz. For Lewd and Disorderly Practices - 1223. {Keeping of Bawdy and Disorderly Houses,} 35. {Exercising their Trades of Ordinary Callings on the Lord's Day} 653. {Prophane Swearing and Cursing 201. Drunkenness 8. The said Societies have also been Assisting in Prosecuting Common Gamesters and their Associates } 77...... The Total Number of Persons prosecuted.... for Debauchery and Profaneness, for 32 Years last past are calculated at..... 84720.
1722 |
£195.00 |
SPELMAN (Sir Henry)
The larger Treatise concerning Tithes, long since written and promised by Sir Hen: Spelman Knight. Together with some other Tracts of the same Authour, and a Fragment of Sir Francis Bigot Knight, all touching the same Subject. Whereto is annexed, an Answer to a Question of a Gentleman of quality, made by a Reverend and Learned Divine living in London, concerning the settlement or abolition of Tithes by the Parliament, which caused him to doubt how to dispose of his son, whom he had designed for the Ministery. Wherein also are comprised, some Animadversions upon a late little Pamphlet called, The Countries plea against Tithes: discovering th[e] [ig]norant mistakings of the Authours of it touching th[e] maintenance of the Ministery by such means: as also, upon the Kentish petition. Published by Jer: Stephens B.D. According to the appointment and trust of the Author.
1647 |
£150.00 |
STANFORD (Sir William)
Les Plees del Corone, in plusors titles & Common lieux. Per queux home pluis redement & plenairement trouera quelq; chose que il quira, touchant les dits Plees, composes per le tresreuerend Iudge, Monsieur Guilliaulme Staundford Chiualier, dernierment corrigee. Auecques un Table parfaicte des choses notables contenus ycelle, nouelment reueu & corrigee, oue ascum nouel additions. Londini: Ex Typographia Societatis Stationariorum [i.e. Adam Islip], Anno Domini 1607. 4to, woodcut device on title, with the circular stamp of Birmingham Law Society on title, partly black letter, [12], 198 leaves. [Bound with:-] ----. An An Exposition of the Kings Prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old Writers of the Lawes of England, by the right Worshipfull Sir William Stanford Knight, lately one of the Iustices of the late Queenes Maiesties Court of Common Plees. Whereunto is annexed the Proces to the same Prerogatiue appertaining.
1607 |
£750.00 |
SUGDEN (Henry)
An Essay on the Law of Wills, as altered by the 1 Victoria, c. 26.
1837 |
£45.00 |
SUTTON (Robert)
A Complete Guide to Landords, Tenants, and Lodgers, being a Methodical arrangement of the whole Law, as it now stands, respecting the taking or letting of Lands, Houses, or Apartments,...... With clear and Practical Directions for making a Distress for Rent,.....
1812 |
£85.00 |
SWEET (George)
The Stat. 7 Will. 1V. & 1 Vict. Cap. 26, amending the Law of Wills; with a Popular Commentary, and an Appendix of Statutes and Precedents.
1838 |
£40.00 |
TAYLOR (Jefferys)
Parlour Commentaries on the Constitution and Laws of England; being a Familiar Explanation of the Nature of Government and the necessity of Legal Authority, with some Account of the proceedings in Parliament and Courts of Justice.
1825 |
£55.00 |
The Frieda Lawrence Collection of D.H. Lawrence Manuscripts: A Descriptive Bibliography.
1948 |
£15.00 |
TILLY (William)
A Letter to a Worthy and Learned Gentleman in the Law, concerning some ; with passages of the Life and Death of Mrs. Sarah Tilly, his near Relation, Lately Deceas'd; with Some Account of Her Descent and Family; written by William Tilly, D.D. Rector of Albury and of Godington in Oxfordshire,.....
1739 |
£125.00 |
TOLLER (Samuel)
The Law of Executors and Administrators.
1800 |
£95.00 |
TOMLINS (Sir Thomas Edlyne)
A Familiar Explanation of the Law of Wills and Codicils; and the Law of Executors and Administrators; and the Law of Descent and Distribution, in case no Will is made: containing plain and practical Instructions for making, executing, and proving Wills; and for the General Conduct of Executors and Administrators; (Particularly under the Legacy Bill, just passed), with proper forms of Wills,..... Intended for the use of persons desirous of making their own Wills, and families unacquainted with Law.
1796 |
£95.00 |
TOTHILL (William)
The Transactions of the High Court of Chancery, both by Practice and President; With the Fees thereunto belonging, and all special Orders in extraordinary Cases, which are to be found in the Registers Office as they are quoted by Terms, Years, and Books. Collected by that famous Lawyer William Tothill Esq; late one of the six Clerks: And since Reviewed by Sir Ro; Holborne, Bencher of Lincolns-Inne.
1671 |
£375.00 |
First [Second & Index] Report from the Select Committee on Transportation; Together with the Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. London: Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 1856. 3 vols., folio, iv, 183, [1]; iv, 204; iv, 64, [2]pp., stamp of "Home Office Library", stitched as issued, orig. blue wrappers, spines lightly chipped. [Sold with:] Report from the Select Committee on Transportation...
1856 |
£295.00 |
Trial of David F. Mayberry for the Murder of Andrew Alger; Before the Rock Co. Circuit Court—Judge Doolittle Presiding—July 10th & 11th, 1855. Containing the Arguments of the Attorneys, and a Full and Correct Account of his Death. By a Mob. Reported by Ira C. Jenks, Esq.
1855 |
£275.00 |
The Tryal and Conviction of Sr. Sam, Bernardiston, Bart. for High-Misdemeanor at the Sessions of Nisi Prius, holden at Guild-Hall, London,..... before the Right Honorable Sir George Jeffreys,..... Lord Chief Justice of England, on Thursday, Feb. 14. 1683.
1684 |
£125.00 |
The Tryals of Henry Cornish, Esq; for conspiring the Death of the King, and raising a Rebellion in this Kingdom; and John Fernley, William King, and Elizabeth Gaunt, for Harbouring and Maintaining Rebels: at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, London,..... on Monday, Octob. 19. 1685.
1685 |
£75.00 |
The whole proceedings of an Information exhibited at the instance of the Honourable the East-India Company, against Robert Henshaw, Esq. Custom-Master of Bombay, for Corruption in Office, and receiving presents, in violation of the Act 33 Geo. 111, Cap. 52. Tried by a special Jury, in the Court of the Recorder of Bombay, on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1805, and the three following days, before the Hon. Sir James Mackintosh, Knt. Recorder.
1807 |
£150.00 |
A Full and True Relation of Two Very Remarkable Tryals at the Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster held in the Great Hall, on Monday the third of October, and ending the eleventh of the same. The one, for scandalous words, by one Shippon : the other, of a priest in the Gate-house, for spoiling a girl of nine years old. By way of a letter to a friend.
1680 |
£950.00 |