Book Details
SPELMAN (Sir Henry). The larger Treatise concerning Tithes, long since written and promised by Sir Hen: Spelman Knight. Together with some other Tracts of the same Authour, and a Fragment of Sir Francis Bigot Knight, all touching the same Subject. Whereto is annexed, an Answer to a Question of a Gentleman of quality, made by a Reverend and Learned Divine living in London, concerning the settlement or abolition of Tithes by the Parliament, which caused him to doubt how to dispose of his son, whom he had designed for the Ministery. Wherein also are comprised, some Animadversions upon a late little Pamphlet called, The Countries plea against Tithes: discovering th[e] [ig]norant mistakings of the Authours of it touching th[e] maintenance of the Ministery by such means: as also, upon the Kentish petition. Published by Jer: Stephens B.D. According to the appointment and trust of the Author.1647
London: Printed by M. F. for Philemon Stephens at the Gilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 3 parts on one, 4to, no endpapers, small hole in title affecting 4 letters, [40], 60, 67-114, 113-136, 139-189, [1], [35], 27, [1] pp., contemporary sheep, rebacked preserving most of the original spine, rubbed, with the bookplate of William Allen Potter. A reissue, with cancel title page and cancelled quire A, of "Tithes too hot to be touched.". "An answer to a question of a Gentleman of quality..." has a caption title, separate pagination and register. "An Apology of the Treatise De non temerandis Ecclesiis....." has separate title page, with imprint "Printed by J. L. for Philemon Stephens,... 1646", unpaginated. Wing, S4928: Sweet and Maxwell, p.195 (54).
Stock #30767