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Book Details

STANFORD (Sir William). Les Plees del Corone, in plusors titles & Common lieux. Per queux home pluis redement & plenairement trouera quelq; chose que il quira, touchant les dits Plees, composes per le tresreuerend Iudge, Monsieur Guilliaulme Staundford Chiualier, dernierment corrigee. Auecques un Table parfaicte des choses notables contenus ycelle, nouelment reueu & corrigee, oue ascum nouel additions. Londini: Ex Typographia Societatis Stationariorum [i.e. Adam Islip], Anno Domini 1607. 4to, woodcut device on title, with the circular stamp of Birmingham Law Society on title, partly black letter, [12], 198 leaves. [Bound with:-] ----. An An Exposition of the Kings Prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old Writers of the Lawes of England, by the right Worshipfull Sir William Stanford Knight, lately one of the Iustices of the late Queenes Maiesties Court of Common Plees. Whereunto is annexed the Proces to the same Prerogatiue appertaining.1607

Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Company of Stationers, 4to, mostly black letter, numerous early Ms. ink annotations in the wide blank margins, [1], 85 leaves, contemporary calf, gilt monogram on lower cover, rebacked and recornered, lettered in gilt on spine, a nice copy. STC 23224 & 23218.

Stock #41678

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