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Author Title Year Price
HALL (Samuel)
Samuel Hall's Improvements on Steam Engines; consisting of an improved piston and valve: an improved method of lubricating engine pistons, piston rods and valves; and an improved method of condensing the steam and supplying water to the boilers and such steam engines as are wrought by a vacuum produced by condensation.
1834 £95.00
Contemporary Printed Sources for British and Irish Economic History 1701-1750.
1963 £35.00
Contemporary Printed Sources for British and Irish Economic History 1701-1750.
1963 £25.00
HARRISON (William)
The Substance of the Reply of William Harrison, Esq. before the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on East India=built Shipping, on Tuesday, June 28, 1814, in reply to the whole case.
1814 £65.00
A Report of the Arguments and Judgment upon the Demurrer, in the case of Henry Edmund Taffe, against the Right Hon. Wm. Downes, Lord Chief Justice of the King's-Bench, in Ireland, in Trinity, Michaelmas, and Hilary Terms, 1812 & 1813, in the Court of Common Pleas, Ireland.
1815 £150.00
Startling Profits from Wine Making in combination with the wine, spirit, and aerated water trades : being concise instruction and information in the further development of a new process, with statistical notes and results from practical working. Also containing many valuble formulas never published before.
1896 £16.00
At Herstmonceux School, near Battel, Sussex, Young Gentlemen are Boarded, and Instructed in English, Writing Arithmetic, Mathematics, and Mercantile Accounts. At Thirty Guineas per Annum....
1840 £45.00
HIGGS (Henry)
Bibliography of Economics 1751-1775.
1935 £32.00
HIGGS (Henry)
Bibliography of Economics 1751-1775.
1935 £45.00
HIPPISLEY (Sir John Coxe)
Prison Labour, etc.: Correspondence and Communications addressed to His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, concerning the Introduction of Tread-Mills into Prisons, with other matters connected with the subject of Prison Discipline.
1823 £295.00
HITT (Thomas)
A Treatise of Husbandry on the Improvement of Dry and Barren Lands. I. The many Advantages which would arise to the Nation in general, by destroying of Warrens, and converting the Lands into Tillage, Pasture, &c. II. Pointing out new and cheap Methods to make growing Fences upon the most Barren Soils, and how to Till and Manure the same at a low Expence. III. How to prepare the Land, and Raise upon it Various Sorts of Plants, to produce both poles and timber.
1761 £345.00
HODGES (Thomas Law)
The Use and Advantages of [John] Pearson's Draining Plough; detailed in a Paper communicated to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. &c.
1833 £120.00
A Series of Mercantile Letters, intended to give a general Knowledge of Business to those Young Persons whose Views are directed to Commerce, and for the use of Schools.
1808 £195.00
HOLROYD (John Baker, Earl of Sheffield)
Observations on the Impolicy, Abuses, and false Interpretation of the Poor Laws; and on the Reports of the Two Houses of Parliament.
1818 £150.00
HOLT (John)
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Lancaster: with observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1795 £50.00
HOLT (John)
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Lancaster: with observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1795 £110.00
HOLWELL (John Zephaniah)
India Tracts. By Mr. Holwell, Esq. F. R. S. and friends. Containing 1. An address to the East-India Stock: setting forth, the unavoidable Necessity, and real Motives, for the Revolution in Bengal, 1760. 11. A Refutation of a Letter from certain Gentlemen of the Council at Bengal,.... 111. Important Facts regarding the East-India Company's Affairs in Bengal,.... 1V. A Narrative of the deplorable Deaths of the English Gentlemen who were suffocated in the Black Hole in Fort William, at Calcutta, June 1756. V. A Defence of Mr. Vansittart's Conduct. Illustrated with a Frontispiece, representing the Monument erected at Calcutta, in Memory of the Sufferers in the Black-Hole Prison.
1774 £185.00
The Second Report of the Commissioners for the Taking, Examining and Stating the Public Accounts, &c.
1712 £40.00
HOYLE (William)
Our National Resources; and how they are Wasted. (An Omitted Chapter in Political Economy).
1870 £20.00
Spons' Tables and Memoranda for Engineers.
1876 £28.00
Free Trade. Speech of the Right Hon. W. Huskisson in the House of Commons, Thursday, the 23d of February, 1826, on Mr. Ellice's Motion for a Select Committee, to inquire into and examine the Statements contained in the various Petitions from Persons engaged in the Silk Manufacture.
1826 £50.00
True State of the Question.
1784 £45.00
Letters which seem to deserve and require the most Serious Attention of the Members of both Houses of Parliament, in the present Stage of the India Question.
1813 £50.00
The Present State of the British Interest in India: with a Plan for establishing a regular System of Government in that Country.
1783 £110.00
A Revenue Letter-Book being Correspondence from 2nd January, 1689/90 to 15th December, 1692, of their Mahesties' Agents for Bringing in of Taxes.
1933 £35.00

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