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Book Details

IRISH EDUCATION.. The Charter of King Charles the Second, Empowering Erasmus Smith, Esquire, to found grammar schools in the Kingdom of Ireland, and erecting a corporation, by the name of the Governors of the Schools founded by Erasmus Smith, Esquire; together with a further charter of King William the Fourth, confirming same... also... Acts of Parliament...1833

Printed by W. Corbet, Dublin. First edition, 63, [1]pp., library stamp to tile and contents leaf, recent marbled wrappers, printed paper label on upper cover. "Erasmus Smith Schools were founded under a charter of 1669 by Charles II. Erasmus Smith, a London alderman, obtained property in Ireland under the Act of Settlement and endowed schools with part of the estates thus acquired. His original intention was to establish five grammar schools, but, in order to guarantee better salaries for the teachers and provide clothes for the existing pupils, decided to open only three, at Drogheda, Galway and Tipperary. Under the charter these had to be free schools for twenty poor children, (to be named by the founders or governors), dwelling within two miles of the school, as well as for all the tenants of Erasmus Smith. They were to be instructed in writing and 'casting accounts,' Latin, Greek and Hebrew, and if so desired, to be prepared for university."—Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. Copac listing the Cambridge University Library copy only.

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