Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
SCHLEGEL (Johan Friderich Wilhelm)
Upon the Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy: or, An impartial examination of a judgment pronounced by the English Court of Admiralty, the 11th June, 1799, in the case of the Swedish convoy : with some additions and corrections / by J. F. W. Schlegel ; translated from the Danish under the inspection of the author by Mr. de Juge, and thence into English.
1801 |
£85.00 |
Scottish Economic Literature to 1800.
1971 |
£12.00 |
Reasons for improving the Fisheries and Linnen Manufacture of Scotland. Wherein are shewn, the Advantages that must accrue to England, by the Increase of the Scots Linnen Manufacture. That the Fishing in Deep Water, is equally an Advantage to all the Subjects of Great Britain. And that England and Scotland are now so closely united in Point of Interest, that severally, they must be directly affected in Profit and Loss, by the Prosperity or Sufferings of each other.....
1727 |
£95.00 |
A Catalogue of the Damages for which the English demand Reparation from the United-Netherlands. As also a List of the Damages; Actions and Pretenses for which those of the United-Netheralnds demand Reparation and Satisfaction from the English. Together with the Answer of the English, subjoyn'd to the Several and Respective Points of Their Demands.
1664 |
£475.00 |
SENIOR (Nassau W.)
American Slavery: a reprint of an article on "Uncle Tom's Cabin," of which a portion was inserted in the 206th number of the "Edinburgh Review;" and of Mr. Sumner's Speech of the 19th and 20th May, 1856. With a Notice of the events which followed that Speech.
1862 |
£95.00 |
SHEFFIELD (John Holroyd, Earl of)
Observations on the manufactures, trade, and present state of Ireland. Part the First [all published].
1785 |
£45.00 |
SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley)
A Comparative Statement of the two Bills, for the better Government of the British Possessions in India, brought into Parliament by Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt. With Explanatory Observations.
1788 |
£245.00 |
SIMPSON (Stephen) & WISE (Edward)
The Readiest Reckoner ever invented, for assisting the Tradesman, the Merchant, the Gentleman, &c. in finding the price, of any number from one to ten thousand......
1811 |
£50.00 |
SIMPSON (William Wooley)
Observations in reference to the present mode of effecting sales of landed estates and other property : with some remarks on a recent publication by Mr. Rainy, entitled "A brief exposition regarding the transfer of real property".
1838 |
£25.00 |
SIMPSON (William Woolley)
Observations in reference to the present Mode of effecting Sales of Landed Estates and other property; with some remarks on a recent publication by Mr. Rainy, entitled "A Brief Exposition regarding the Transfer of Real Property;".
1838 |
£38.00 |
Address to the Society for the Improvement of British Wool; Constituted at Edinburgh, on Monday, January 31, 1791.
1791 |
£145.00 |
Address to the Society for the Improvement of British Wool; constituted at Edinburgh, on Monday, January 31, 1791.
1791 |
£145.00 |
The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire.
1790 |
£495.00 |
The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire. Containing an account of the public income and expenditure from the remotest periods recorded in history, to Michaelmas 1802 : with a review of the financial administration of the Right Honorable William Pitt.
1803 |
£275.00 |
SMALL (James)
A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
1784 |
£345.00 |
SMALL (James)
A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
1784 |
£375.00 |
SMITH (John)
Chronicon Rusticum-Commerciale; or, Memoirs of Wool, &c. &c. Being a collection of history and argument, concerning the woolen manufacture and woolen trade in general, particularly, the rise, progress, improvements, declensions, revolutions, and the respective causes thereof (with a view of the different prices of wool, at certain distant periods) in England...
1747 |
£395.00 |
Extracts from the Reports of the London and Dublin Societies, for Bettering the Condition of the Poor; Relating to Schools for the Education of Children of the Lowest Classes.
1802 |
£35.00 |
Observations on an Act Passed in the Last Session of Parliament, Respecting Apprentices Employed in Cotton and other Factories, and the Report of a Select Committee of the Society thereon.
1803 |
£145.00 |
A Consolatory Epistle to the Members of the Old Faction; occasioned by the Spanish War. By the Author of the Consolatory Letter to the noble Lord dismissed the Military Service.
1762 |
£55.00 |
STAIR (John Dalrymple, Earl of,)
Considerations preliminary, to the Fixing the Supplies, the ways and Means, and the Taxes for the Year 1781. Addressed To the Minister and the Public.
1781 |
£45.00 |
Regulations and List of Fellows of the Statistical Society of London, 1842-43.
1842 |
£20.00 |
STANHOPE (Charles Earl)
Observations on Mr. Pitt's Plan, for the reduction of the National Debt.
1786 |
£50.00 |
First-drawn Ticket £10,000. Incomparable Scheme. State Lottery, 1804, Begins Drawing 13th of this Month. The Ticket Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, Are now selling, in great Variety of Numbers, And on the lowest Terms. The Money for Prizes paid on Demand, by Hornsby & Co. Stock-Brokers, At their old establishment State Lottery Office... No. 26, Cornhill...
1804 |
£35.00 |
Remarks by a Junior to his Senior, on an article in the Edinburgh Review of January, 1844, on the State of Ireland, and the Measures for its Improvement.
1844 |
£175.00 |