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Author Title Year Price
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: its Trade and Manufactures.
1874 £38.00
An Expostulatory Letter to a certain Right Honourable Person [Philip Dormer Stanhope 4th Earl of Chesterfield] upon his late Promotion.
1747 £50.00
An Expostulatory Letter to a certain Right Honourable Person [Philip Dormer Stanhope 4th Earl of Chesterfield] upon his late Promotion.
1747 £50.00
The Contest. Being an Account of the Matter in Dispute between the Magistrates and Burgesses, and an Examination of the Merit and Conduct of the Candidates in the present Election. For Newcastle upon Tyne. Sold by the Booksellers in Newcastle, and the neighbouring Towns. 1774. First Edition, extra-illustrated with the inclusion of 2 later portraits of Sir Walter Blackett and Sir M. W. Ridley, [2], 40 pp. Bound with:- BURGESSES POLL. The Burgesses Poll at the Late Election of Members for Newcastle upon Tyne. Containing the Conditions agreed on by the Candidates for regulating the Poll. State of the Poll each day. - The number each Candidate Polled every day. - The whole number of Persons each day, their Names, Companies, Places of Residence, how they voted, the day each polled on, and number on the poll ranged alphabetically. - Copied from the Original Books taken on the spot, pursuant to the Direction of the Hon. Constantine John Phipps, And Thomas Delaval, Esq. To which is added, A summary View of the Disputes which arose, and Arguments used by the Candidates, Counsellors Lee, Fawcett, and Wilson, in defence of their proceedings upon the Hustings, &c.....
1775 £310.00
Poor-Laws: or, The Laws and Statutes Relating to The Settling, Maintenance, and Employment of the Poor. Containing all the statutes under this head, from the beginning of the reign of Q. Elizabeth, the first time any poor-laws were enacted in this kingdom, to the present time; including the last new Act 9 Geo. for better providing for the poor. Of use to all Justices of Peace, ministers, churchwardens, overseers of the poor, and other inhabitants of parishes, to know their duty herein. Written in a new alphabetical method.
1724 £275.00
Report from the Committee appointed to enquire into the best mode of providing sufficient accommodation for the increased trade and shipping of the port of London; &c. &c. &c.
1796 £775.00
A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of E-------t, or, Considerations on sending Land Forces to Portugal.
1762 £65.00
Great-Britain's True System: wherein is clearly shown, I. That an increase of the Public Debts and taxes must, in a few years, prove the ruin of the Monied, the Trading, and the Landed Interests. II. The necessity of raising the Supplies to carry on War, within the year. III. That such a design, however seemingly difficult, is very practicable: with a sketch of various schemes for that purpose. IV. An Expedient which will support the Public Credit, in all times of Public Distress and Danger. To which is prefixed, an Introduction, relative to the forming a New Plan of British politics, with respect to our foreign affairs, and our connections on the Continent.
1757 £295.00
Thoughts on the Prince's Debts. Third edition; to which is added a preface, containing an anecdote.
1795 £45.00
Fourth Report of the Inspectors Appointed... to visit the different Prisons of Great Britain. II. Northern and Eastern District. [III. Southern and Western District.]
1839 £45.00
Leicestershire Fire Insurance Company. Patrons. The Right Hon. The Earl Howe, Sir George H. W. Beaumont, Bart... Capital, £200,000. In Four Thousand Shares of £50. each....
1834 £45.00
Substance of the Speeches made in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, the 15th of December, 1779. On Mr. Burke's giving Notice of his Intention to bring in a Bill..... for the Retrenchment of Public Expences, and for the better securing the Independence of Parliament.
1779 £75.00
PYNE (Henry)
Table Showing the Value of Tithe Rent-Charges for the Year 1851.
1851 £25.00
RANDALL (Joseph)
(Pursuant to the notice thrown out by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce.) The Construction and Extensive use of a Newly Invented Universal Seed-Furrow Plough (from time to time expos'd to the public view of abundance of people.) Upon an easy, steady principle, suited to all soils, stiff or light, level or ridg'd; and capable of sowing all sorts of seeds, in three rows, thicker or thinner, deeper or shallower, and the furrows or rows nearer or further asunder, just as the owner pleases. Also, by the invitation of the Society, the construction of a draining plough, upon a very simple principle. Both published with a view, that the ingenious may, within the Society's limited time, see what is wanting to put the finishing hand to a seed-furrow, and also to a draining plough. With the construction and use of a potatoe-drill machine, pointing out the benefit arising from this wholesale culture, to the land, and to some the live-stock. To which is added, an essay on the theory of a common plough, in order to find, by geometrical construction, the angles which give the share exact land and earth at all depths, and which ballance the motions of the plough.
1764 £695.00
READE (John)
Observations upon Tythes and Rents, Addressed to the Clergy and Impropriators of Ireland. Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel. With a Supplementary Section, a Postscript upon the Road Acts, &c.
1818 £85.00
REED (William)
Improved Tables of Gain and Discount: shewing real profits from 2 % to 50 % on the prime cost of goods, at any price, from one penny to £2000, after allowing discounts from 2 to 50 percent : also, tables for taking off the discount, to prove the accuracy of the former by shewing the net gain : with commission, brokerage, and English money changed into Irish, without the loss of the fractional part of the half-farthing.
1806 £75.00
RENDU (Victor)
Manuel d'Agriculture, a l'uage des cultivateurs et des Écoles primaires Du Nord de la France.
1838 £45.00
The Ninth Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Examine, Take, and State, the Public Accounts of the Kingdom.
1784 £45.00
RICHMOND (Alexander Bailey)
Narrative of the Condition of the Manufacturing Population; and the proceedings of government which led to the state trials in Scotland, for administering unlawful oaths, and the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, in 1817, with a detailed account of the system of espionage adopted at that period, in Glasgow and its neighbourhood : also, a summary of similar proceedings, in other parts of the country, to the execution of Thistlewood and others for High Treason, in 1820.
1824 £125.00
An Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India; and the Progress of Trade with that Country prior to the Discovery of the Passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an Appendix, containing Observations on the Civil Policy - The Laws and Judicial Proceedings - the Arts - the Sciences - and Religious Institutions, of the Indians.
1791 £195.00
Letter to Sir John Sinclair, Bart. from John Robinson, Esq. Surveyer-General of Woods and Forests.
1794 £50.00
ROSE (George)
A Brief Examination into the Increase of the Revenue, Commerce, and Manufactures, of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799.
1799 £45.00
ROSE (George)
A Brief Examination into the Increase of the Revenue, Commerce, and Manufactures, of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799.
1799 £25.00
The Resources of Reclaimable Land.
1860 £38.00
SCHLEGEL (Johan Friderich Wilhelm)
Upon the Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy: or, An impartial examination of a judgment pronounced by the English Court of Admiralty, the 11th June, 1799, in the case of the Swedish convoy : with some additions and corrections / by J. F. W. Schlegel ; translated from the Danish under the inspection of the author by Mr. de Juge, and thence into English.
1801 £85.00

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