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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
Rothamsted Experimental Station Library. Catalogue of the Printed Books on Agriculture Published Between 1471 and 1840. With Notes on the Authors by Mary S. Aslin.
2002 £35.00
The Gentleman's Farriery: wherein the best writers on that subject have been consulted; and M. La Fosse's method of trepanning glandered horses is particularly considered and improved...
1767 £75.00
Pharmacopoeia Hippiatrica: or, the gentleman farrier's repository, of elegant and approved remedies for the diseases of horses; in two books. Containing, I. The surgical; II. The medical part of practical farriery; Also, Directions for the proper Treatment of Post Chaise and other Horses, after violent Exercise. With suitable Remarks on the Whole To which are now added; observations on broken winded horses, endearing to prove the Seat of that Malady not to be the Lungs. The second edition; by J. Bartlet, Surgeon; Author of the Gentleman's Farriery.
1766 £145.00
CLATER (Francis)
Every man his own Farrier; or, The whole Art of Farriery laid open...
1817 £25.00
Three cases of tumour arising from skin-glands in the dog: showing the connection between disorder of the glandular structure and function and cancerous invasion of the connective tissue.
1882 £48.00
DINGLEY (Pauline)
Historic Books on Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.
1992 £35.00
DINGLEY (Pauline)
Historic Books on Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.
1992 £35.00
DOWNING (Joseph)
A Treatise on the Disorders incident to Horned Cattle, comprising a Description of their Symptoms, and the most rational Methods of Cure, founded on long experience. To which is added, Receipts for curing the Gripes, Staggers, and Worms in Horses; and an Appendix, containing instructions for Extracting of Calves.
1797 £625.00
GRESSWELL (Albert & James Brodie)
Diseases & Disorders of the Horse: A Treatise on Equine Medicine and Surgery, Being a Contribution to the Science of Comparative Pathology... Revised, with an Introduction by George Gresswell.
1886 £25.00
LAWRENCE (Richard)
An Inquiry into the Structure & Animal Oeconomy of the Horse, Comprehending the Diseases To which his Limbs and Feet Are subject, with Proper Directions for Shoeing; and Pointing out a Method for Ascertaining his age until his Twelfth Year.
1801 £375.00
McBRIDE (Professor [J. A.])
The Prevention of Contagious and Infectious Diseases in Cattle and Sheep. Two Lectures, Delivered before the Cirencester Chamber of Agriculture.
1873 £35.00
MONTAGUE (Peregrine)
The Family Pocket-Book: or, fountain of true and useful knowledge. Containing The Farrier's Guide; or, the Horse Dissected: Being the most accurate, and satisfactory Account of the Diseases incident to that noble Beast, ever yet publish'd; with their Signs, Symptoms, Prognosticks and Cures in all Cases. A certain cure for the Glanders, without trepanning; a never-failing cure for the Grease; and another for broken winded Horses: wrote by way of Dialogue. The best Directions for breaking a Colt, and managing a Race-Horse... method of preventing chimneys from smoaking [sic]... method of breeding game-cocks... the gardener's legacy... the young housekeeper's guide in cooking, pickling, preserving, etc. / compiled after thirty years' experience, by Peregrine Montague.
1762 £650.00
A Practical Treatise on the Breeding Cow, and extraction of the calf, before and at the time of calving ; in which the question of difficult parturition is considered in all its bearings, with reference to facts and experience; including observations on the diseases of neat cattle generally ; containing profitable instructions to the breeding farmer, cowkeeper, and grazier ; for attending to their own cattle during illness, according to the most approved modern methods of treatment, and the application of long known and skilful prescriptions and remedies for every disorder incident to hirned cattle, the whole adapted to the present improved state of vetertinary practice.
1829 £475.00
SULLY (Henry)
Observations on, and Plain Directions for, All Classes of People, to Prevent the Fatal Effects of the Bites of Animals Labouring under Hydrophobia.
1828 £165.00
WOOD (John)
A New Compendious Treatise of Farriery. Wherein are set forth in a plain, familiar, and natural manner the disorders incident to horses, and their respective cures: Together With some Interesting Observations on Bleeding, Purging, Exercise, &c. By John Wood, Late Groom to the King of Sardinia, and at present Groom to the Right Hon. the Earl of Rochford.
1757 £445.00
WOOD (John)
A New Compendious Treatise of Farriery. Wherein are set forth in a plain, familiar, and natural manner the disorders incident to horses, and their respective cures: Together With some Interesting Observations on Bleeding, Purging, Exercise, &c. A certain Prescription for the Cholick.
1762 £275.00