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Book Details

LAWRENCE (Richard). An Inquiry into the Structure & Animal Oeconomy of the Horse, Comprehending the Diseases To which his Limbs and Feet Are subject, with Proper Directions for Shoeing; and Pointing out a Method for Ascertaining his age until his Twelfth Year.1801

Birmingham: Printed for the Author, First edition, 4to (260 x 205 mm), xxiv, 212pp., 18 copper-engraved plates (5 of which are folding), slightly offset, plates I-XV accompanied by a leaf of descriptive letterpress, cont. half calf, marbled paper boards, neatly rebacked with orig. label laid-down, attractive simple gilt tooling, a very good copy. The scarce first edition published in Birmingham, the home of the author before he moved his veterinary practice to London. Smith had only seen the later edition of of this work and was not aware of the date of the first edition. Provenance: Contemporary armorial bookplate of Bradford Wilmer to front paste-down. Smith, Veterinary Literature III, pp. 106-108; Dingley, 390.

Stock #37218

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