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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
Short-Title Catalogue of Eighteenth-Century Spanish Books in the British Library.
1994 £75.00
Short Title Catalogue of French Books 1601-1700 in the Library of the British Museum by V.F. Goldsmith.
1969 £50.00
BROWN (Cynthia J.)
Poets, Patrons, and Printers. Crisis of Authority in Late Medieval France.
1995 £32.00
BROWNELL (William)
Original Poems on Various Subjects.
1815 £75.00
British Museum. Luther Exhibition, 1883, in the Grenville Library, arranged by G. Bullen. Printed Books, Manuscripts, Portraits, and Medals Illustrating the Life of Martin Luther, with Biographical Sketch.
1883 £25.00
[Myan-ma hpat-sa-thit : zadok htá tàn]. Edited by Mg. Shwe Kyu and Saya Lin.
1947 £45.00
The Calcutta Annual Register and Directory, for the Year of our Lord 1818; or, Civil, Military, Medical, and Marine Lists of the Presidency of Bengal; with an Almanack, and an Appendix: Containing Regulations of the Custom House, Treasury, Post Office, Bank, Pension and Life Insurance Funds, Union, Laudable and Provident Societies, Calcutta Tontine—Lists of the Law Department, College, Asiatic Society, and Public Charities—Complete Calcutta Lists—List of former Governors, &c.—List of Shipping, &c.—Chronological Table—Rates of Commission and Godown-rent—Tables of Coins, Weights and Measures—Ditto of Exchange, Siccas into Sonats, and Vice Versa—Ditto of Expence, Income, or Wages—A Polymetrical Table—Lists of Administrations, Arrivals and Departures of Passengers, Marrigaes, Births and Deaths—Rates of Boat Hire, &c. Together with a General List of the European Inhabitants of Bengal.
1818 £775.00
The University Printing Houses at Cambridge from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Printed for the Opening of the New Printing House.
1963 £9.00
CASLON (H. W. and Co.)
Specimen of Printing Types of the Caslon and Glasgow Letter Foundry.
1857 £1595.00
CASLON (William)
A Specimen of Printing Types, by William Caslon, Letter-Founder to his Majesty.
1785 £395.00
CATO (Marcus Porcius) and others.
Methodus Rustica Catonis atq. Varronis. Praeceptis aphoristicis per Locos communes digestis a Theodoro Zwingero typice delineata & illustrata.
1576 £575.00
A Reprint in Facsimile of a treatise spekynge of the arte & crafte to knowe well to dye/traslated oute of frenshe in to englysshe by Willm Caxton. 1485.
1875 £35.00
CAXTON (William)
Jacobus de Cessolis. The Game of Chess. Translated and Printed by William Caxton c.1483. Reproduced in Facsimile from the Copy at Trinity College, Cambridge, with an Introduction by N.F. Blake.
1976 £195.00
Caxton's Advertisement. Photolithograph of the Copy Preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Being One of the only Two Copies Known. With an Introductory Note by Edward W.B. Nicholson.
1892 £20.00
The Churl and the Bird Translated from the French by John Lydgate. Printed by William Caxton About 1478.
1906 £30.00
Propositio Johannis Russell Printed by William Caxton circa A.D. 1476. Reproduced in Facsimile from the Copy Preserved in the John Rylands Library, Manchester. With an Introduction by Henry Guppy.
1909 £25.00
CHRISTIE (Richard Copley)
The Old Church and School Libraries of Lancashire.
1885 £28.00
Divi Petri Chrysologi Archiepiscopi Ravennatis viri ervsitissmi atqve sanctissimi, insigne et pervetvstvm Opvs Homiliarvm nvnc primvm in lvcem editvm.
1575 £245.00
CLAIR (Colin)
Christopher Plantin.
1960 £15.00
CLAIR (Colin)
A Chronology of Printing.
1969 £12.00
CLAIR (Colin)
A Chronology of Printing.
1969 £20.00
CLARK (H. Geo.)
Baxter Colour Prints. Thier History and Methods of Production; and other Interesting Matter Relating to Operators of Processes Akin to his Methods Together with Baxter & Le Blond Auction Records for 1917-18.
1919 £4.00
Baxter Colour Prints. Their History and Methods of Production; and other Interesting Matter Relating to Operators of Processes akin to his Methods Together with Baxter & Le Blond Auction Records for 1917-18.
1919 £6.00
Early Nottingham Printers and Printing.
1942 £45.00
De Vita et Moribus sacerdotum opusculum singularem eorum dignitatem oftendens, & quibus ornata esse debeant virtutibus, authore Iudoco Clichthoueo theologo Parisiensi. Item Sacri canonis missæ parphrastica explicatio per Michaelem suffraganeum Moguntinum. Ionnes Rokziana de septem sacramentis de non scriptis traditionibus.
1550 £595.00

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