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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 66 results
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Author Title Year Price
[BEAUFOY (Colonel)]
The Report of the Committee for Conducting the Experiments of the Society for the Improvement of Naval Architecture.
1799 £595.00
[CLERKE (Charles)]
A Voyage Round the World, In His Majesty's Ship The Dolphin, Commanded by the Honourable Commodore Byron. In which is Contained, a faithful Account of the several Places, People, Plants, Animals, etc. seen on the Voyage: And among other Particulars, A minute and exact Description of the Streights of Magellan, and of the Gigantic People called Patagonians. Together with an accurate Account of Seven Islands lately discovered in the South Seas. By an Officer on Board the said Ship. Printed for J. Newbery and F. Newbery, 1767. Second edition, [4],186pp., without the final advert leaf, engraved frontispiece and a further 2 engraved plates, frontis., and title-page becoming loose, pencil ownership signature to title "Colonel [George Abbas Kooli] D'Arcy of the Falkland Islands". [Bound with:] [BYRON (John)] The Narrative of the Honourable John Byron (Commodore in a Late Expedition round the World) Containing An Account of the Great Distresses Suffered by Himself and His Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, From the Year 1740, till their Arrival in England, 1746. With a Description of St. Jago d Chili, and the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants. Also a Relation of the Loss of the Wager man of War, One of Admiral Anson's Squadron. Written by Himself, and now First Published.
1768 £1145.00
The Conduct and Treatment of John Crookshanks, Esq; Late Commander of His Majesty's Ship the Lark; relating to his attempt to take the Glorioso, a Spanish Ship of war, in July 1747... with a Plan, shewing the positions of the Ships. Containing the Original Orders, Letters, and Papers, that passed in consequence of that affair, between Captain Crookshanks, Admiral Knowles, the Secretaries of the Admiralty, and others.
1759 £245.00
[DUPIN (Baron Pierre Charles François)]
Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne, Entrepris Relativement aux Services Publics de la Guerre, de la Marine, et des Ponts et Chaussées, en 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819.
1820 £1100.00
[EVERETT (George)]
An Answer to Mr. Paschal's Letter to his Friend in the Countrey, Stating the Case of Mr. Parkhurst and himself, &c. Being a vindication of the House of Commons, against those Gentlemen Commissioners for Prizes...
1702 £375.00
[LACAM (Benjamin)]
Thoughts on a Late Proposal for Piloting Ships at all Seasons through Channel Creek, Instead of the Old Passage by the Braces, into Hoogly River.
1782 £575.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
[Nautical dictionary: defining the technical language relative to the building and equipment of sailing vessels and steamers, seamanship, navigation, nautical astronomy, naval gunnery, maritime law and commerce, general and particular average and marine insurance, and other terms relating to maritime affairs.]
1863 £35.00
ADAMS (Thomas R.) & WATERS (David W.) Compilers.
English Maritime Books Printed Before 1801. Relating to Ships, their Construction and their Operation at Sea...
1995 £225.00
AZUNI (Domenico Alberto)
Systême Universel de Principes du Droit Maritime de l'Europe... Traduit de l'Italien, avec des additions du même auteur.
1797 £845.00
BINNING (Capt. Thomas)
A Light to the Art of Gunnery. Wherein is laid down the True Weight of Power, both for Proof and Action, of all sorts of Great Ordnance. Also the true Ball, and allowance for Wind. With the most necessary Conclusions for the Practice of Gunnery, either in Sea or Land-Service. Likewise the Ingredients, and making of most necessary Fire-Works: As also many Compositions for the Gunner's Practice, both at Sea and Land.
1703 £375.00
Rules and Regulations for the Pilotage of the Harbor of Boston. Approved by the Governor, with Advice of Council, February 12, 1830.
1830 £50.00
The Manoeuverer, or Skilful Seaman: being an essay on the Theory and Practice of the various movements of a ship at sea, As well as of Naval Evolutions In General. Translated from the French of Mr. Bourdé de Villehuet, by the Chevalier de Sauseuil... Illustrated with thirteen copperplates; Five of which, with many interesting Observations interspersed through the Work, by way of Notes, are the Production of an English Officer. Dedicated To His Royal Highness Prince William-Henry.
1788 £750.00
[BULLOCH (John Malcolm)]
Soldiering and Sailoring in the North-East of Scotland: A Bibliography. [Off-print from 'Aberdeen University Library Bulletin, No. XIV].
1916 £20.00
BUTLER (James)
The Life and Character of James Butler, Late Duke, Marquis and Earl of Ormond; Earl of Brecknock and Ossery, Viscount Thurlo, Baron of Lanthony and Moor-Park, Baron of Arcklow, &c. with a particular account of all his battles; and an impartial relation of the rise, Grandeur, Merit, and Personal Endowments of that illustrious family. Together with The Particulars of the Marriages, Descents, and Deaths of the said Family, ever since King Henry Il's Reign. The whole publish'd from authentick manuscripts.
1729 £295.00
BYNG (John, Admiral). [?WHITEHEAD (Paul)]
A Letter to a Member of Parliament in the Country, from his Friend in London, relative to the Case of Admiral Byng: with some original Papers and Letters which passed during the Expedition.
1756 £85.00
CHAPMAN (William) and JESSOP (William)
Report on the measures to be attained to in the Survey of a Line of Navigation, from Newcastle upon Tyne to the Irish Chancel. Published by Order of the Northumberland Committee of Subscribers to the Survey. To which are added, all the Reports subsequent to the Survey, and the estimates of Messrs Jessop and Chapman. [and] Second Part of the Proposed Navigation between the East and West Seas, viz. from Haydon-Bridge to Maryport. With Observations on Lines to Penrith, Sandsfield, Ravensbank, Bowness, Wigton. [and] Third and last Part of a Report on the Proposed Navigation between the East and West Seas, (viz.) on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Carrying the Navigation on the South Side of the River Tyne, in the different Courses that it is capable of. [and] Report of the Proposed Line of Navigation between Newcastle and Maryport,.... with Abstracts of the estimates of this line, and also of that from Stella to Hexham. [and] Mr. Chapman's Postscript to Mr. Jessop's Report.
1795 £495.00
CHILD (Samuel)
Every Man his own Brewer. A practical treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny and table-beer; recommending and proving the ease and possibility of every man's brewing his own beer... [Bound with: FELLOWES (William Dorset) Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Packet The Lady Hobart... and two other works (see below)].
1802 £245.00
CLARK (John)
Observations on the Diseases which Prevail in Long Voyages to Hot Countries, particularly on those in the East Indies; and on the same diseases as they appear in Great Britain.
1809 £295.00
CLERK (John)
An Essay on Naval Tactics, Systematical and Historical. With Explanatory Plates.
1804 £595.00
The Secret Expedition Impartially disclos'd: or, an authentick, faithful narrative of all occurrences that happened to the fleet and army commanded by Sir E—H—and Sir J—M—, from its first sailing to its return to England. With apparent reasons for not landing the infantry, and many other interesting particulars, not yet made publick. By a Commissioned Officer on board the Fleet, and Graduate of the University, &c.
1757 £95.00
DANA (Richard Henry)
The Seaman's Manual; Containing a Treatise on Practical Seamanship, with plates; a Dictionary of Sea Terms; Customs and Usages of the Merchant Service; Laws relating to the Practical Duties of Master and Mariners.
1844 £325.00
DENHAM (Commander Henry Mangles)
Sailing Directions from Point Lynas to Liverpool with Charts, Coast-views, River-Sections, Tidal Courses and Gauge Table, for Navigating the Dee and Mersey. [Bound with:] Remarks and Sailing Directions for Approaching and Navigating the Sea-Reach of Wyre up to Port Fleetwood, with some Account of Wyre Lighthouses & Estuary. By Commander H. W. Denham.
1840 £675.00
An Introductory Outline of the Practice of Ship-Building, &c. &c.
1825 £345.00
GAM (David)
Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Honourable William Pitt, or an Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of his Conduct in Respect to different Departments, Bodies, and Public Individuals of the State. In a Letter to the Right. Hon. the Earl of Suffolk, in Consequence of his Lordship's Motion in Parliament, and Conferences with His Majesty, for the Removal of Ministers.
1797 £60.00
GARRARD (William)
Copious Trigonometrical Tables, Shewing the Results in all Cases of Plane Trigonometry, by Inspection. Intended to Complete the Requisite Tables to the Nautical Almanack; and as a Necessary Companion to the Theodolite. London: Printed for the Author, by J. Moore, 1789. First edition, 13, [291]pp. [Bound with:] ----. Longitude Made Easy, from the Moon's Altitude Only.
1791 £795.00
