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Author Title Year Price
GLAZECOCK (Captain W. N.)
The Naval Officer's Manual, for every grade in Her Majesty's Ships. The whole recently revised, amended, and enlarged. To which is added, a notice on steam and steam ships.
1848 £65.00
[GOWER (Richard Hall)]
A Treatise of the Theory and Practice of Seamanship; containing general rules for manoeuvring vessels, with a moveable figure of a ship, so planned that the sails, rudder, and hull may be made to perform the manoeuvres according to rule laid down...
1793 £175.00
HANGER (Lieut. Col. George)
Military Reflections on the Attack and Defence of the City of London; Proved by the Author to have been the most vulnerable Part of Consequence in the whole Island, in the Situation it was left in the Year 1794. To which is added, Reflections on the Loss of Plymouth or Harwich, and on the greater Safety of Portsmouth... Most respectfully addressed to the Right Hon. Thomas Skinner, Lord Mayor of London.
1795 £275.00
HARRIS (Rev. John)
Britannia; or, the Moral Claims of Seamen Stated and Enforced. An Essay, in Three Parts.
1837 £38.00
HARRISON (William)
The Substance of the Reply of William Harrison, Esq. before the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on East India=built Shipping, on Tuesday, June 28, 1814, in reply to the whole case.
1814 £65.00
HEATHCOTE (Captain Sir Henry)
Treatise on Stay-Sails for the Purpose of Intercepting Wind between the Square-Sails of Ships and other square-rigged Vessels, Mathematically Demonstrating the Defects of those now in use, and the Eminent Superiority of the Improved Patent Stay Sails... Illustrated by Suitable Diagrams, and two Plates of Ships... to which is added, some Remarks on Proportioning the Jibs &c.
1824 £375.00
HILLARY (Sir William)
A Letter to the Trustees of the Academic Fund, on the Expediency and Importance of Establishing a School of Navigation, as a Branch of the Projected College, in the Isle of Man.
1830 £165.00
HOSEASON (Captain John Cochrane)
Remarks of the Channel Passage, and on the Paramount Importance of Dover for Offensive and Defensive Warfare.
1873 £50.00
KNOWLES (Sir Charles)
The Conduct of Admiral Knowles on the Late Expedition set in a True Light.
1758 £225.00
LEVER (Darcy)
The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor; or, a Key to the Leading of Rigging, and o Practical Seamanship.
1808 £325.00
LIARDET (Captain Francis)
Friendly Hints to the Young Naval Lieutenant.
1858 £195.00
Cursory Observations upon the proposed application to the Legislature of these Kingdoms for the Grant of a Charter to effect Marine Insurances.
1810 £50.00
Danger to England's Maritime Power. Containing : I. Address to Working Men. II. Privateers. By Robert Monteith, Esq. III. The Declaration of Paris-Letter to Mr. Disraeli from Associations of working men at Birmingham. IV. Report of the Birmingham Associations as to Brussels Congress. V. Address to the Queen from the Inhabitants of Preston.
1874 £45.00
[MARKS (Richard)]
The Retrospect; or, Review of Providential Mercies; With Anecdotes of Various Characters, and an Address to Naval Officers. By Aliquis.
1819 £25.00
The Case of the Dutch Ships, Considered.
1759 £195.00
MARTELLI (Lieut. Charles)
The Naval Officer's Guide for Preparing Ships for Sea.
1838 £95.00
The News-Readers Pocket-Book: or, a Military Dictionary. Explaining The most difficult Terms made use of in Fortification, Gunnery, and the whole Compass of the Military Art. And a naval dictionary; explaining The Terms used in Navigation, Ship-Building, &c. To which is added, a Concise Political History of Europe. With the Genealogies and Families of the several Emperors, Kings, and Princes, now reigning; and some account of the Religions they profess.
1759 £295.00
Catalogue of the Library.
1968 £120.00
Catalogue of the Library.
1968 £165.00
The Famous Fight at Malago or the Englishmens Victory over the Spaniards. Relating how five English frigats, viz. the Henry, Ruby, Antelope, Greyhound, and Bryan, burnt all the Spanish ships in their harbour at Malago; battered down their churches, and their houses about their ears, kill'd abundance of their men, and obtained an honourable victory. Where ever English seamen goes, they are a terror to their foes. To the tune of, Five sail of frigates bound for Malago, &c.
1958 £25.00
A Famous Sea-Fight between Captain Ward and the Rainbow. To the Tune of Captain Ward, &c.
1958 £25.00
A List of the Flag-Officers of His Majesty's Fleet: With the Dates of their First Commissions, as Admirals, Vice-Admirals, Rear Admirals, and Captains, 1 January, 1803. [Bound with:] An Alphabetical List of the Post Captains, Commanders, and Lieutenants... Admiralty-Office, January 1, 1803.
1803 £195.00
A List of the Flag-Officers of His Majesty's Fleet: With the Dates of their First Commissions, as Admirals, Vice-Admirals, Rear Admirals, and Captains, 1st July 1797. [Bound with:] An Alphabetical List of the Commission Officers of His Majesty's Fleet: with the Dates of their First Commissions. Admiralty-Office, July 1, 1797.
1797 £295.00
PHILLIPS (Captain)
Explanation of Improved Capstans; Proposed by Captain Phillips, R.N.
1830 £110.00
Construccion y uso del Cuadrante de Reduccion.
1800 £50.00

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