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Author Title Year Price
PRAZ (Mario)
Studies in Seventeenth-Century Imagery.
1964 £75.00
PROCTOR (Robert)
An Index of German Books 1501-1520 in the British Museum.
1966 £20.00
QUARITCH (Bernard)
Catalogue of the Monuments of the Early Printers in all Countries. I. Germany and the Low Countries. II. Italy. III. France. IV. Spain, Portugal; North and East Europe; America, and the East. V. England.
1888 £45.00
QUARITCH (Bernard)
Monuments of Typography and Xylography Books of the First Half Century of the Art of Printing in the possession of Bernard Quaritch and offered for sale at the affixed prices.
1897 £85.00
RAHIR (Édouard)
Catalogue d'une Collection Unique de Volumes Imprimés par Les Elzevier et Divers Typographes Hollandais du XVIIe Siécle... Précédé d'un Avant-Propos par M. Ferdinand Brunetiére... et d'une Lettre de M. Alphonse Willems.
1896 £38.00
The Summe of the Conference betweene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart: Touching the Head and Faith of the Church. Wherein by the way are handled sundrie pointes, of the sufficicience and right expounding of the Scriptures, the ministerie of the Church, the function of Priesthood, the sacrifice of the Masse, with other controuersies of religion: but chiefly and purposely the poynt of Church-gouernement,...... Penned by Iohn Rainoldes,...... persued by Iohn Hart, and (after things supplied, and altered, as he thought good) allowed for the faithfull report of that which past in conference betweene them. Whereunto is annexed a Treatise intitled, Six Conclvsions touching the Holy Scripture and the Church, Written by John Raidoldes. With a defence of such things as Thomas Stapleton and Gregoirie Martin haue carped at therein
1588 £995.00
REICHLING (Dietericus)
Appendices ad Hainii Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
1905 £38.00
REICHLING (Dietericus)
Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
1905 £38.00
Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
1905 £35.00
Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
1905 £35.00
Bibliographie des Éditions de Simon de Colines 1520-1546.
1894 £75.00
Bibliographie des Éditions de Simon de Colines 1520-1546.
1894 £75.00
Bibliographie des Éditions de Simon de Colines 1520-1546.
1894 £110.00
RENOUARD (Philippe)
Imprimeurs and Libraires Parisiens du XVIe Siècle.
1964 £95.00
REUCK (Joseph De)
Bibliotheca Erasmiana Bruxellensis. Catalogue des Oeuvres d'Érasme Éditées au XVIe Siècle et Appartenant à la Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier. Edite par Georges Colin et Rene Hoven.
1993 £40.00
Musée Plantin-Moretvs a Anvers. Notice Historique par Max Rooses. Phototypies par Jos. Maes.
1878 £60.00
ROSENWALD (Lessing J.)
The Dance of Death: Printed at Paris in 1490. A Reproduction Made from the Copy in the Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Library of Congress.
1946 £20.00
Poema quod dicitur Vox Clamantis, necnon Chronica Tripartita, auctore Johanne Gower. Nunc primum edidit H.O. Coxe, M.A. Impensis Societatis Roxburgensis.
1850 £325.00
The Gardyners Passetaunce [c.1512].
1985 £45.00
Le Livre à Figures Italien depuis 1467 jusqu'a 1530. Essai de sa Bibliographie et de son Histoire. [With:] RAVA (Carlo Enrico) Supplement...
1942 £375.00
Festschrift Otto Schäfer. Zum 75. Geburtstag am 29. Juni 1987.
1987 £30.00
Katalog der Bibliothek Otto Schäfer Schweinfurt. Edited by Manfred von Arnim. 1 Drucke, Manuskripte und Einbände des 15. Jahrhunderts.
1984 £85.00
Marques Typographiques ou Recueil des Monogrammes, Chiffres, Enseignes, Emblèmes, Devises, Rébus et Fleurons des Libraires et Imprimeurs qui on exercé en France, depuis l'introduction de l'Imprimerie en 1470, jusqu'a la fin du seizième siècle...
1853 £175.00
STANFORD (Sir William)
Les Plees del Corone, in plusors titles & Common lieux. Per queux home pluis redement & plenairement trouera quelq; chose que il quira, touchant les dits Plees, composes per le tresreuerend Iudge, Monsieur Guilliaulme Staundford Chiualier, dernierment corrigee. Auecques un Table parfaicte des choses notables contenus ycelle, nouelment reueu & corrigee, oue ascum nouel additions. Londini: Ex Typographia Societatis Stationariorum [i.e. Adam Islip], Anno Domini 1607. 4to, woodcut device on title, with the circular stamp of Birmingham Law Society on title, partly black letter, [12], 198 leaves. [Bound with:-] ----. An An Exposition of the Kings Prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old Writers of the Lawes of England, by the right Worshipfull Sir William Stanford Knight, lately one of the Iustices of the late Queenes Maiesties Court of Common Plees. Whereunto is annexed the Proces to the same Prerogatiue appertaining.
1607 £750.00
Inventario dei Libri Stampati Palatino-Vaticani... Edito per Ordine di S.S. Leone XIII P.M.
1886 £90.00

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