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Book Details

RAINOLDS (John). The Summe of the Conference betweene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart: Touching the Head and Faith of the Church. Wherein by the way are handled sundrie pointes, of the sufficicience and right expounding of the Scriptures, the ministerie of the Church, the function of Priesthood, the sacrifice of the Masse, with other controuersies of religion: but chiefly and purposely the poynt of Church-gouernement,...... Penned by Iohn Rainoldes,...... persued by Iohn Hart, and (after things supplied, and altered, as he thought good) allowed for the faithfull report of that which past in conference betweene them. Whereunto is annexed a Treatise intitled, Six Conclvsions touching the Holy Scripture and the Church, Written by John Raidoldes. With a defence of such things as Thomas Stapleton and Gregoirie Martin haue carped at therein1588

Imprinted at London by George Bishop, Second Edition, ink ownership inscription of Richard Grosvenor on title, occasional light dampstains in the text, minute single wormhole in last 4 leaves, closed tear in blank margin of R8 and paper flaws on lower blank margin of Bb.ii, [20], 675, [1] pp., contemporary limp vellum, some loss to spine, 1 of 4 leather ties, with the armorial bookplates of Sr. Richard Grosvenor of Eaton Coun. Cheshire. "Six conclusions touching the Holy Scripture and Church", a translation of Rainolds's "Sex theses de Sacra Scriptura, et Ecclesia", has a separate divisional title page; pagination and register are continuous. **** An influential treatise based on debates between John Rainolds and the English Catholic John Hart held at Oxford and London, first published in 1584. This copy belonged to Richard Grosvenor (1731-1802), politician and landowner, who lived at Eaton Hall in Cheshire. His son, Viscount Belgrave, was first marquis of Westminster. STC, 20627.

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