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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
The British Botanist's Field-Book. A Synopsis of the British Flowering Plants.
1857 £15.00
The British Botanist's Field-Book. A Synopsis of the British Flowering Plants.
1857 £25.00
CLARKE (Benjamin)
A New Arrangement of Phanerogamous Plants, with Especial Reference to Relative Position, Including their Relations with the Cryptogamous.
1861 £175.00
COLGAN (Nathaniel)
Flora of the County Dublin: Flowering Plants, Higher Cryptograms, and Characeæ.
1904 £325.00
A Calendar of Flora, Composed during the Year 1809, at Warrington, Lat. 53o. 30'.
1810 £85.00
CURLE (Richard)
The Ray Society: A Bibliographical History.
1954 £10.00
CURTIS (William)
A Catalogue of the British, Medicinal, Culinary, and Agricultural Plants, Cultivated in the London Botanical Garden. To which are prefixed, Proposals for opening it by Subscription.
1783 £650.00
CURTIS (William)
Lectures on Botany, as Delivered in the Botanic Garden at Lambeth.
1805 £1250.00
DAVEY (F. Hamilton)
Flora of Cornwall being an Account of the Flowering Plants and Ferns Found in the County of Cornwall Including the Scilly Isles.
1909 £95.00
DE BELDER (Robert)
A Magnificent Collection of Botanical Books being the Finest Colour-Plate Books from the Celebrated Library formed by Robert de Belder.
1987 £18.00
DE BELDER (Robert)
A Magnificent Collection of Botanical Books being the Finest Colour-Plate Books from the Celebrated Library formed by Robert de Belder.
1987 £20.00
The Flora of Cheshire. Edited by Spencer Moore.
1899 £45.00
A Flora of Ulster and Botanist's Guide to the North of Ireland.
1864 £95.00
DICKINSON (Joseph), MARRAT (Frederick P.)
The Flora of Liverpool. [With:] Supplement. [Bound with:] On the Musci and Hepaticae Found within Twelve Miles of Liverpool and Southport.
1851 £75.00
A Catalogue of Fruit and Forest Trees, Flowering, American, and Evergreen Shrubs, Herbaceous Plants, Bulbous Flower Roots, &c. Also Garden, Flower, Tree, Shrubs, and Agricultural Seeds, Garden Utensils, &c. Sold by Dicksons & Co. Nursery, Seedmen, and Florists, Waterloo-Place, Edinburgh.
1827 £950.00
DILLENIUS (Johann Jacob)
Historia Muscorum: A General History of Land and Water, &c. Mosses and Corals, Containing all the Known Species, Exhibited by about 1000 Figures, on 85 large Royal 4to Cooper Plates, collected, drawn and engraved in the best Manner from the Originals by the Author.
1768 £995.00
DONN (James)
Hortus Cantabrigiensis; or, an Accented Catalogue of Indigenous and Exotic Plants, Cultivated in the Cambridge Botanic Garden. With the additions and improvements of the successive editors:- F. Pursh, J. Lindley and G. Sinclair.
1845 £20.00
DUNN (Stephen Troyte)
Alien Flora of Britain.
1905 £12.00
Catalogue Raisonné of 18th and Early 19th Century Flower and Fruit Books and Prints.
1970 £65.00
ENGLISH (James Lake)
A Manual for the Preservation of the Larger Fungi (Hymenomycetes) in their Natural Condition, by a New and Approved Method; Also of a New Process for the Preservation of Wild Flowers.
1882 £48.00
FORSTER (T[homas] F[urley])
Flora Tonbrigensis; or, a Catalogue of Plants Growing Wild in the Neighbourhood of Tonbridge Wells, arranged according to the Linnæan system, from Sir James Smith's Flora Britannica.
1816 £230.00
FORSTER (T[homas] F[urley])
Flora Tonbrigensis; or, a Catalogue of Plants Growing Wild in the Neighbourhood of Tonbridge Wells, serving also as a guide to the central flora of Kent and Sussex, arranged according to the Linnæan system, by the late T. F. Forster. With additions by T. Forster.
1842 £175.00
GALPIN (Rev. F. W.)
An Account of the Flowering Plants, Ferns and Allies of Harleston. With a Sketch of the Geology, Climate, and Natural Characteristics of the Neighbourhood. To Which are added Observations on the Birds of the District by Charles Candler.
1888 £35.00
Georgics. English and Latin.
Pub. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English Translation and Notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge.
1741 £545.00
GOES (Willem) Editor.
Rei Agrariae. Auctores legesque variae. Quaedam nun primum, caetera emendatiora prodeunt cura Wilelmi Goesii, cuius accedunt Indices, Antiquitates agrariae & Notae: una cum Nicolai Rigaltii Notis & Observationibus, nec non Glossario ejusdem.
1674 £545.00

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