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Book Details

BRYANT (Charles). Flora Diaetetica: or, history of esculent plants, both domestic and foreign. In which they are accurately described, and reduced to their Linnaean Generic and Specific Names. With Their English Names annexed, and ranged under Eleven General Heads, Viz. Esculent, 1 Roots, 2 Shoots, Stalks, etc. 3. Leaves, 4 Flowers, 5 Berries, 6 Stone-fruit, 7 Apples, 8 Legumens, 9 Grain, 10 Nuts, 11 Funguses. And A particular Account of the Manner of using them; their native Places of Growth; their several Varieties, and physical Properties: Together with whatever is otherwise curious, or very remarkable in each Species. The whole so methodized, as to form a short Introduction to the Science of Botany.1783

London: Printed for B. White, First edition, 8vo, xvi, 379, [13]pp., some occasional browning, contemporary tree calf, rubbed, spine gilt, lacks label, joints cracked but holding firm. Provenance: Engraved bookplate 'Lavington'; book shelf label of the Wilberforce Library, Backsettown.

Stock #40992

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